What Causes Tingling In Left Arm, Terrible Grinding And Crunching In Neck?
Cervical spinal degeneration with radiculopathy needs to be ruled out.
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for being on healthcaremagic.com.
I am Dr.Ajay Panwar,a neurologist,here to answer your query.
I have gone through your comprehensive clinical history.Your symptoms appear to be those of cervical radiculopathy,which are probably secondary to cervical degeneration changes(though you mentioned that you are a cancer survivor and cancerous changes in spine can also cause these symptoms.What type of cancer you had?).
I would suggest you to get a MRI cervical spine done with contrast with screening of whole spine.
Meanwhile,you can be on-pregabalin,methylcobalamin,vitamin D and calcium supplementation.PLEASE TAKE ALL MEDICINES UNDER A PHYSICIAN'S GUIDANCE ONLY.
If you have any further questions,I shall be glad to answer.
Dr.Ajay Panwar,
Appears to be cervical radiculopathy.
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for being in follow-up.
Neck pain is not an absolute criteria for cervical radiculopathy.Cervical radiculopathy can present exactly like your symptoms.
Though,even if it is secondary to some tumor infiltration,even then posture and position of the head may affect the symptoms.That's because the symptoms mainly result from nerve radicles compression,which may be more in specific postures whether due to the degeneration or tumor infiltration.
If you have some further questions,I shall be glad to answer else please close the thread,rate it and write a review as your rating will be of help to me.
Dr.Ajay Panwar,
MRI cervical spine with contrast with screening.
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for being in follow-up and telling further details.
In that case,I would stress upon as already advised that you should get a 'MRI cervical spine with contrast with screening of whole spine' to rule out any cancerous deposits.
If you have some further questions,I shall be glad to answer else please close the thread,rate it and write a review as your rating will be of help to me.
Dr.Ajay Panwar,