What Causes Tingling Sensation In Hand After Getting Anti-rabies Infection?
I may have had a possible rabies exposure two weeks ago. About ten years ago I was vaccinated for rabies (I had I think three shots in Russia and two in the United States). I went in about 2-3 days after the possible exposure to get my first dose and another dose three days later. I had a serology test done on the first day to determine immunity, but have not gotten the results yet. They said that most likely I will only need the two shots. I'm getting slightly worried however that hand is starting to tingle a bit on and off and that's where the possible puncture exposure occurred. Should I be worried? Should I get the rest of the dosages of the vaccine?
No need to worry.
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for your query at HCM.
I understand your concern and situation.
I see no reason for you to worry. Tingling sensation is not due to rabies but damage to nerve due to bite. Now coming to your shots I would suggest you to take shots at 0,3,7,14,28 and 90 days irrespective of your previous shots. I would suggest you to take all the shots to develop better immune response. If dog is fine after 10 days then after 3 doses vaccination may be discontinued. There is no usually protective antibiotics levels from previous vaccinations documented so I suggest you to take complete vaccinations if dog untraced. Keep site of bite clean.
Hope I answered your query
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Dr Sheetal Verma
Also I read on the Department of health website that for previous patients that have received the vaccine only two shots is recommended without the immune globulin is that accurate?
Yes it is accurate. But different cases can be individualized.
Detailed Answer:
Do not worry about when you started vaccinations. It has been started within 10 days is pretty good. Do not worry. Yes there are several guidelines for rabies vaccination like by various agencies which slightly differ. Yes it is true that if a person has taken a previous vaccinations then 2 doses are adequate. But in your case 10 years have passed and the animal is unknown. In that case I would suggest you to take all 6 vaccinations to avoid any trouble. As taking full vaccinations will cause no harm. Do not worry you will be fine.
Best of health