What Causes Tingling Sensation In Limbs And Bronchitis?

I've been having some possible heart related symptoms
lately: sharp pains in left arm, usually behind the elbow
(NOT muscular or joint pain, because I know what those
feel like), tingling sensations in my hands and feet, especially
after exertion or stress, increase in blood pressure lately.
I may need to have a cardiac stress test to confirm/rule
out heart disease. However, I seem to have almost none
of the usual risk factors for heart disease: my cholesterol
is actually below normal, so are my triglycerides, my blood
pressure is usually on the low side(NEVER over normal levels,
even when 'elevated'), I am not overweight, my resting pulse
is usually in the upper 60's, I don't smoke, don't drink and my
diet is very strict(no junk, mostly vegetables and lean meat).
Ordinarily, I would just go ahead and take the stress test, but
since about 3 years ago, my health took a sudden downturn.
Since then, my body tends to 'overreact' to any kind of external
stress(eg. I get bronchitis when the indoor heating kicks in every
winter, I ended up in the ICU from the anesthesia during an Endoscopy
procedure, if I eat certain foods my body responds very negatively).
No diagnosis that can explain it, except 'adrenal fatigue' and 'leaky gut
syndrome'. So, I'm a little concerned that the stress from a cardiac stress
test will cause some kind of inflammatory reaction in my body. In view of
my health history, and what you know about cardiac stress testing, do you
think there's any chance this can occur? Or would you consider this procedure
pretty safe in my condition?
Also, could my symptoms be due to something other than cardiac issues(eg. the tingling hands and feet could be nerve damage)?
Also, just kind of curious about one of my symptoms: I notice that blood
tends to pool in my hands if they are by my side. For instance, if I raise
one arm to comb my hair or something, for about a minute afterward it's
considerably lighter and less red than the hand that has been down at
my side(this started along with all my other symptoms, again about 3 years
ago). I know this sounds like a very trivial question, but it might indicate
something significant about my health, especially my heart/circulation.
Thanks so much.
Seems less likely cardiac, still you can have cardiac stress testing
Detailed Answer:
Hi! Welcome to health care magic!
Going through your past history, seems that you have been through alot, and that has made you over concious before availing any new diagnostic modality
Here I would like to clarify, few facts about cardiac pain, anything which is positional, pleuritic or pointed is least likely to be cardiac. The pain you have explained, is more of a neurological origin than cardiac. It can be due to cervical spine disc spacing problems or compression symptoms on the nerves supplying the upper limbs.
Still for further reassurance you can undergo cardiac stress testing.
Cardiac stress test is of two types. I am not sure which one are you going through. One is physical stress test, to give a slight challenge to heart like by making you run for a while on a treadmill and monitor heart activity fluctuations and second being pharmacological stress testing, which is less commonly performed, and can have side effects. The first one, the classic stress test doesn't have any long term side effects except that it is contraindicated in few condition where exercise or such physical stress can't be tolerated bt the patient and you don't seem to be falling in that group.
The problem with the flooding or pooling of blood can be a normal variant in few individuals and can also be due to any abnormality in circulation of blood in upper limbs which can be confirmed by a doppler ultrasound. Also that, an Echo cardiography can establish any back pooling of blood during every circulation cycle and also rule out any potently dangerous condition. It can be simple vasospasm of blood vessels like in Raynauds phenomenon. In any case, it seems less likely to be a wrorrysome.
Hoping you a speedy recovery. If you dont have any more questions, please close the discussion. You can also reach me directly through my profile in future, in case of any more questions, Regards.

I feel somewhat reassured it's not a cardiac issue, but
more likely a nerve problem.
I've got another issue, if you don't mind: the last 2 months,
the dark circles under my eyes have gotten very bad. I'm
actually sleeping very well, so it can't be lack of sleep.
Other symptoms occurring at the same time are rapid
hair loss, extreme fatigue at times, and skin, esp on
my face, is often blushed. My urine is very foamy at times.
I frequently have nausea and acid reflux too. Could these possibly be kidney and/or liver problems? My diet is very healthy, I don't drink or smoke,
but I do take alot of herbal supplements(eg. 20 or more daily).
And, the last 2 months I've been having B vitamin injections.
Could those be hard on the kidneys? I thought they would be
good for them,but maybe I'm wrong. I had a CBC, CMP and urine
test about month ago. Pretty much normal, except my BUN?Creatitine
ratio was too high. Could I be causing myself harm by taking all
these supplements and injections? If so, could stopping them reverse
whatever harm was done?
Thank you very much,
You need to stop taking supplements at your own
Detailed Answer:
Hi! Thanks for sharing your concerns.
Taking those supplements which are herbal, can be dangerous as mostly these are not authentic, neither precription based or research based products and their contents are usually not very clear or not tested in controlled environments on scientific basis. These can contain substances which can be nephro toxic or damaging to the kidneys and livers because these put on extra bit of burden on the liver to metabolise those products and then kidneys to flush them out of your system.
Taking B complex isn't that dangerous as most of those chemicals have been tried and tested and their role in the body are well defined. Also that, vitamin B complex encompasses those vitamins which are water soluble and don't stay in the system unchecked for longer amount of times and can be flushed put with urine if in excess.
For flushing of face and frothing in urine alongwith dark circles, you either need to quantify 24 hours protein excretion in urine or undergo tests like ESR and ANA for autoimmune diseases. Also monitor BUN over few more months to track down the trends whether the surge was due to low water content of the body or due to some kidney disease and discuss those reports with your GP later on.
Hoping you a speedy recovery. If you dont have any more questions, please close the discussion. You can also reach me directly through my profile in future, in case of any more questions, Regards.

the session after your last answer, but last night
I had some sharp low back pains along with extreme
nausea all night. An 'on call' nurse with my health
insurance said it sounded like kidney stones, so I
went to the nearest ER. They ran a urinalysis, CBC,
CMP and did xrays of my abdominal area. Everything
was normal. The doctor concluded it was Gastroenteritis.
But I will also try to have some of the tests your recommend
taken soon, just to really get to the bottom of this. I will also
get off the herbal supplements(I didn't know they were possibly
My question to you is: I just took off the bandage they
put over the area where I had an IV inserted(for about 3 hours).
I noticed a large bump around that area, and the skin is slightly
lighter colored than the skin around it. The bump is hard, but
painless. Does that sound like something I should be concerned
about, like an infection? What do you think it may be? What do
you recommend I do?
Thanks so much once again,
It can be subcutaneous accumulation of fluid
Detailed Answer:
Hi! Thanks for sharing your concerns.
It seems like as if the cannula got displaced and some of fluids or injectable got accumulated out of the vessels in the sorrounding area. It resolves spontaneously and if it is painless or doesn't get red or tender to touch, or develops any discharge or pus, it is not a matter of concern. You can use topical emolients ointments or simple petroleum jelly to massage it so that it can resolve sooner than normal.
Hope this has answered your query. If you have any more questions, feel free to ask. Regards.

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