What Causes Tiredness, Headache And Shoulder Pain?
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Detailed Answer:
Thank you for asking
Headaches , fatigue and pains complaints of just a two days history are innocuous and a musculoskeletal origin and a slight accumulation of lactic acid due to some over activity or deranged routine or overburdening or sleep deprivation or some heavy lifting or any laborious work can do it. Any unusual activity can cause it. A slight fever can also exhaust body and present this way.
If you don't have any fever or any history of migraines headaches or any neurological disease in past then trust me all you need is some good sound sleep, some rest and some good old fashioned massage of the body and some skeletal muscle relaxants like tizanidine or orphenadrine or skelaxin which ever is easy to get over the counter. Get some acetaminophen as well.you will be good as new with in no time.
Get back to me if the issue persisted for more than a week and we will see to it and devise plan but I am sure it won't come to that.
Do as directed and we won't have a problem.
I hope it helps. Take good care of yourself and don't forget to close the discussion please.
May the odds be ever in your favour.