What Causes Uncomfortable Muscle Spasms While Breathing?
Anxiety/Intercostal muscle spasm/Revert back with TMT.
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for being on healthcaremagic.com.
I am Dr.Ajay Panwar,a neurologist,here to answer your query.
If you would have presented to me as an outpatient,I would have listed the following possible differentials in your case-
2)Intercostal muscle spasm
3)Cardiac angina
Cardiac etiology definitely,is of the severe nature and must be excluded.Its good that you are getting a Thallium Tread mill test(TMT) done.Please revert back with the TMT results.
However, 2 points which goes against cardiac etiology are-
1)Pain is not referred to arms, shoulders, abdomen or any other upper thoracic region (as I could make out from your description).
2)Pain increases with breathing-This typically is not a feature of cardiac angina. Rather, it is more common in intercostal muscle spasm and anxiety.
For now, I advise you to start doing mental relaxation exercises/meditation/Yoga regularly to reduce your anxiety levels.
During the event of pain or spasm, just lie supine on bed with your arms raised overhead, the symptoms should improve.
Parkinson's should not be a cause for these spasms and rationale of taking baclofen is not clear.
Hope I have answered your query. If you have some follow-up questions, I shall be glad to answer else, please close the thread-rate it and write a review as your rating will be of help to me.
Dr.Ajay Panwar,
Thanks for appreciation.
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for being in follow-up and appreciating.
Your TMT coming normal,rules out cardiac angina.Your pain improved with the maneuver I suggested indicates that it is primarily the 'intercostal muscle spasm' with possible component of anxiety.
Please try to reduce the anxiety levels with mental relaxation exercises and medicines,if needed.That should help you further.Try to stop hydrocodone to prevent opioid addiction due to chronic use.
Hope I have answered your query. If you have some follow-up questions, I shall be glad to answer else, please close the thread-rate it and write a review as your rating will be of help to me.
Dr.Ajay Panwar,