What Causes Upper Left Abdominal Pain While On Amoxicillin?
sounds like a common respiratory tract infection
Detailed Answer:
the symptoms of runny nose, scratchy throat, fever are usually caused by common respiratory tract infections like influenza or others. The tests are consistent with an infection. The high granulocyte count (both mature and immature) raise some concerns for bacterial infection. The negative urinalysis, negative X-ray, the spread in your family members and common respiratory tract symptoms are reassuring and usually indicate a viral pathogen (which also means that with the exception of influenza, no specific treatment is available).
I don't see any connection to the other events you've mentioned (the strep throat, etc).
If you get serious headache that looks different from your migraines then this infection could be evolving into sinusitis. In such a case, visit the doctors again would be recommended.
I hope this answers your question. Please use your follow-up questions if you need more details.
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Brief Answer:
I don't see why
Detailed Answer:
I didn't even think about blood malignancies because there are no such clues. The CBC indicates infection. The immature forms are common during the course of bacterial infections but some viral infections like influnza may also induce them. The same applies for the high white blood cells count.
The only reason to explain the high albumin (your globulins are 3.2 which is OK) is dehydration. A high globulin value would have been suspicious... To get the globulins value you should subtract the albumin from total proteins. The rest of your liver function tests are fine.
Kind Regards!
not important, please read about the causes below
Detailed Answer:
This marker is rarely important with normal platelet counts. It may indicate artifacts (false reading that is), thyroid disorders, increased production of platelets (caused by increased consumption of platelets or bone marrow disorders including neoplastic ones), formation of platelet clumps (aggregations of platelets that form larger particles), etc. Infections may also cause such a reading.
Since you're concerned about neoplastic disorders of the bone marrow ("blood cancer"), a normal platelet count is against them.
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