Question: My daughter has episodes of vomiting, with out nausea. There is no warming when they come. SHe has been vomiting for 16 days now. Hospitalized 3 times this episode for IV fluids. She is almost 16. It started about two years ago. SHe has been tested for POC, thyroid, ulcers, neurological issues. SHe has had sonograms of her ovaries and uterus, CT scans of her brain, MRI of brain, endoscopy, and the imaging where you drink the XXXXXXX and they watch it. SHe is on hormones (ogesterol)to stop her
menstruation (thinking catemenial CVS) as well as elavil and
periactin, she takes Zyrtec for demographia. SHe also has mild von XXXXXXX brand and hemocromatosis. Her doctors ( at Yale) do not know what to do. SHe doesn't respond to reglan or zofram. Her episodes are becoming more frequent and lasting longer. SHe has burning in her
esophagus and her throat. SHe cries because she is so hungry. She had an IUD w
progesterone placed last month hoping to make things better. It hasn't helped. I also just had metabolic blood work done to test for
mast cell disorders as well as
angioedema. Still waiting on those tests. I am reading about
pyloric stenosis. My daughters vomiting is like something in her stomach pushing the food, liquid, bile right out again. It's like her digestion is working backwards. She has another episode 2 to 3 weeks after he last one has stopped. I am desperate and the doctors have said they are frustrated also. Any ideas.