Question: My brother, XXXXXXX 73 years old, wife passed away 1 1/2 years ago, heavy drinker for years (quite recently) and 2 pack a day smoker for 58 years, 5'11", 138 lbs, weak and undernourished. Less than a month ago he learned he had cancer in upper left lung. Nine days ago (1/30/14) he had surgery to remove upper left lung and a portion of the lower left. Cancer was discovered to have moved to the bronchial and
lymph nodes (lymph nodes were removed). Third day after surgery (2/2/14) he was moved into
ICU because he had developed
pneumonia in the right lung, Doctor said, it could be any one of several things that caused it. It's being treated with antibiotics and
steroids. He had to wear a Bi-Pap mask with 80%
oxygen. He is now weaned down to a regular mask and oxygen level lower to 40, but still has fluid in lungs. He cannot do without mask for any length of time. Physical therapist had him get out of bed yesterday and he took a step, but so weak had to be put back in bed. Respiratory therapist is working with his breathing. He is able to make it to only the 500 level of the breathing apparatus. After surgery he ate very little. In ICU he wasn't able to drink very little his
liquid diet because he couldn't do without his mask. Yesterday he was put on solids, but still can't eat but very few bites. His extreme weakness and shortness of breathe is very troubling. I hear too often that this is normal. Is this starve the patient, kill the cancer? His body need nourishment to gain back his strength. Why not an IV? I am a fan of Dr. XXXXXXX Weil.
Vitamin C and other things in IV would help? You are a doctor, so tell me how I can get this across to the doctors treating him?