What Causes Weight Loss While Treating GERD?
GERD treatments
Detailed Answer:
Thank you for contacting HCM with your health care concerns
You have had a history of GERD and under control for years with zantac but over the past 3 months you have had increased symptoms and weight loss. This is concerning in that the GERD has probably progressed and needs additional evaluation. With prolonged GERD there can be severe inflammation and swelling of the lower esophagus. It can also turn into a form of precancerous growth called Barrett's esophagus. Because of the weight loss I strongly recommend that you see a Gastroenterologist to have a scope of your esophagus.
While waiting I have the follow recommendations.
1. elevate the head of the bed by putting bricks under the head post. This will allow for gravity to help reduce the reflux while sleeping
2. Start Prilosec or other PPI. Take it first thing in the morning on an empty stomach and then eat 30-60 minutes later. You must follow this pattern or your medication will not be effective.
3. Stop any NSAIDs like motrin, aspirin or naprosyn
4. Stop any alcohol
I hope I answered your question. Please contact us again if you have any additional questions