What Causes White Patch Under Foreskin Spreading All Over Body?
Medications Tried: vitiligo-prepuceand glans using melgain loction from last week
Two years back a white patch under my foreskin..now its starts spreading and similar 3-4 are there.my doctor suggest melgain lotion..is it spread all over my body?
I am so tensed...
there is no vitiligo patient in my family
seeking your kind advice to control the disease.
Vitiligo;Kindly upload an Image of the Lesions
Detailed Answer:
Hello and welcome to healthcaremagic
I am Dr. Kakkar. I have gone through your query and I have understood it.
Kindly upload a clear digital image of the lesions.
Vitiligo is a condition characterized by the autoimmune destruction of melanocytes, resulting in loss of pigmentation. Usually there is no family history in the majority of the patients.
Medical therapies are the primary treatment for vitiligo. To enumerate them, they can be divided into topical and oral.
--Topicals e.g Topical Steroids, Topical Immunomodulators like Tacrolimus, Topical PUVA (Melanocyl lotion), basic Fibroblast Growth Factor OR Melgain (b-FGF)etc
--Oral e.g Oral PUVA(Melanocyl tablets), NB-UVB phototherapy, Oral Steroids etc
Treatment is directed at repigmenting the already existing patches and also if the patient is developing new patches of vitiligo, they need to be started on either oral Levamisole (for slowly spreading vitiligo) Or Oral steroids (for rapidly spreading vitiligo/generalized vitiligo) to arrest the progression of disease.