What Causes Yellow Colored Penile Discharge?
Detailed Answer:
hello and thank you for sending the question.
From the picture you have shared it does look like you have an infection. In order to treat this appropriately it would be necessary to obtain a culture of the discharge.
Very likely, a good antibiotic will help to clear up your symptoms very well and in a short period of time. certain infections such as chlamydia or gonorrhea can appear like this.
Importantly however is obtaining a definitive diagnosis so that the appropriate antibiotic treatment can be provided with Intervista potential for disease resistance.
Thank you again for sending your question. I would recommend that you contact your local primary Doctor Who can perform a good physical examination and obtain an appropriate diagnosis so that you can be treated well.
Thank you again for sending the question.
Dr. Galamaga
Detailed Answer:
hello again.
You need to have a culture test performed in order to determine which medication you need. Otherwise you run the risk of taking the wrong antibiotic for your condition. Please go to your local doctor for examination and culture testing.
Dr. Galamaga
Detailed Answer:
I would not recommend taking antibiotic until you have a diagnosis. Again you run the risk of not treating the infection completely.
Dr Galamaga