What Causes Yellow Patches On The Tonsils?
It looks like an infection is setting in
Detailed Answer:
The most common cause for yellow color would be the accumulation of pus in the tonsil and it looks like that a tonsil infection is setting in.
You also complained of sinus pain and lot of post nasal discharge, which indicates a sinus infection.
In my opinion you will need a course of antibiotics and nasal decongestants for the sinus infection. The antibiotics will also take of the tonsil infection. Please meet a doctor for the prescription.
In the mean time, i would like you to take steam inhalation 2-3 times a day and gargle with warm salt water twice a day.
Please do not ignore your symptoms and seek treatment before the infection becomes more severe.
Get well soon!!
Pain will occur after sometime
Detailed Answer:
Yes pain will occur and this generally happens when the infection has set in. You may also develop fever.
Before these symptoms set in , it would be wise to meet your doctor soon that the infection can be managed at the beginning stage itself.
Take care!!
You will have to wait for at least 3 days
Detailed Answer:
It should normally take 2 to 3 days for the swelling to subside and you will have to wait till then.
If your symptoms do not decrease or if they worsen them it is likely that the micro organism may be resistant to the antibiotic and the antibiotic may need to be changed.
In the meantime please continue the gargles
Take care!
It may take a while to go away
Detailed Answer:
Most of the times the patch should disappear by 2 weeks, however in some patients it may persist for 2-3 months.
Please dont worry as it will eventually resolve. Only if the patch enlarges, becomes painful or swollen will you have to meet your doctor again.
In the meantime i would advice you to continue gargles at least twice a day for next 3-4 weeks.
Take care