What Could Be The Cause Of Dizziness While Relaxing While On Thyroxin Medication ?
I'm a 45 year old woman, around 14st 7lbs and 5ft 10 inches
I am taking 225g of throyxine each day since I was upped in Jan/Feb this year.
I was working up to July 2010, when I left on health grounds, as I was feeling very low and being bullied at work. Since then I have been seeing my doctor on a regular basis, to try and see what is wrong with me. I have had problems with getting my throyid medication correct,(I have have this since I was 30), it was going fine up until 2 years ago when I should have been upped, but wasn't.
I am getting what can only be described as woozy feelings at the back of my head, which sometimes moves to the top of my head, extremely tight accross the forehead, )have been told I have cronic sinistuis), and although people are saying that I am suffering from anxiety and stress, it's getting me down at the moment, I am afraid to leave the house as I also suffer from XXXXXXX migraines, the dizzyness doesn't seem to happen if I am doing things, but as soon as I sit down to relax they start, doesn't happen when I lay down or sleep.
ANy advice would be welcome
Thanks for writing to us.
From your description of the symptoms. I can understand the amount of trouble you are through.
It is always not necessary to increase the medication dose on time basis. It is increased or decreased on the basis of your thyroid function test.
By your history, you seem to be having symptoms of hypothyroidism. Increase in the dosage of the medication is entailed if thyroid function tests also confirms status.
Perhaps the reason for inadequate thyroid levels could be either low dosage or interaction with other drugs you are taking. Few medications such as pain killers, anxiety drugs , anti epileptic drugs, hormones, diabetes can alter thyroxine levels. I encourage you to consult your doctor for proper alteration of the dose of both the medicine so that appropriate levels are attained.
The dose of Thyroxine is not only determined by the tablet dose but also the other medicine you are taking along with it as few all can increase or decrease the effect of thyroxine.
Chronic sinusitis is an infection induced headache which can spread and can be cured by appropriate antibiotic course if taken.
Migraine with XXXXXXX is predictable and the anti migraine treatment like sumatriptan offers relief in this condition. Migraine if left untreated can lead to severe stages of incapacitation and can hamper all the work you do even your daily household chores.
Please try to keep your mind calm. It helps in maintaining proper thyroxine level as stress alters the level through a different mechanism. It also helps in preventing migraine attack.
I hope I have made the situation clear to you. For any further query if any feel free to write . I will be available to answer.
I can cope with the Aura's, and if I know that the dizzy spells are stress related more than related to my throyid, I may be able to sope more with it
Thanks for writing back to us.
Dizziness can be caused by both stress and even thyroid.
Thyroid problem will get corrected as soon as the dose is corrected or when the factor responsible for it is appropriately adjusted.
But the stress induced can be cleared mainly through mental power - It gets weakened easily by two or more problems at a time. If you are mentally strong enough to cope up with problems then the solution also will come to you and even the stress will be out. which will relieve your dizziness far better than ever. It is one of our job to be strong enough to cope up. If you can do you will be cured of it.
Knowledge of the problems and the disease is the key for stress relief.
I hope my recommendation are useful to you.
For any other queries feel free to write to me I will be available to answer.
Hope you get well soon.