Brief Answer:
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for your health concern.
The brownish substance could be spotting.
Mild spotting can occur due to some kind of anxiety, tensions on personal or professional front, weight gain, ingestion of hormonal medications ( birth control ) etc.
ALso, if you are sexually active, please rule out a pregnancy or a related complication like
miscarriage or an ectopic pregnancy by a simple pregnancy test.
Conditions such as a cervical erosion, polyp, uterine polyp,
endometrial hyperplasia,
polycystic ovarian disease also can cause prolonged spotting.
The itching indicates a mild
vaginal infection, as does the dirty discharge.
For both the reasons, I would recommend a gynaecological evaluation.
I would perform an internal check up ( per vaginum and per speculum ) for a patient coming to me.
Then a vaginal swab should be taken to confirm the type of infection and discharge.
A pelvic ultrasound scan should be done , if the discharge does not appear to be infectious, but is more like spotting.
ALso hormonal levels ( FSH, LH, TSH, OGTT , DHEAS,
Testosterone , Prolactin ) should be measured.
All the best.
Please feel free to ask for further clarifications.