What Determines A Child's Blood Group?
an AB and O parent produce a child that is either A or B
Detailed Answer:
HI, thanks for using healthcare magic
First looking at the positive (+, rhesus +) and negative (-, rhesus negative): (1) two parents with positive can have a child with a negative.
Positive or negative is determined by the presence of two RH settings/genotypes in the body.
Meaning: if both genotypes/setting for RH are negative (- -) then they would be rhesus negative,
If both settings/genotypes for rh are positive (++), then they would be rhesus positive
If one setting is positive and one is negative (+ -) , then they would Still be considered or found to be rhesus positive
This is important, it means that though both of your parents could have the setting (+ -), when this is combined , they can have a child that gets the negative from both of them- a rhesus negative child
As for the blood type, an AB parent and O parent would have a child that is either blood type A or B, so your blood type of B is completely normal.
I hope this helps, feel free to ask any other questions