What Do Dizziness And Nausea Indicate?
may be a viral infection
Detailed Answer:
HI, thanks for using healthcare magic
Based on your symptoms of dizziness,nausea,fatigue and cramping (assuming cramping of the abdomen and not of the muscles of the limbs), you may have a viral infection of the stomach.
Viral infections are commonly associated with headaches.
Aspirin can sometimes worsen stomach symptoms because it causes gastritis.
If pain medication is needed, paracetamol would be the better option.
IN addition to the paracetamol, treatment would consist of --(1) rest
(2)fluids but in very small amounts because using large amounts may worsen the nausea
(3)probiotics can sometimes help to restore the normal flora
(4)dramamine or peptobismol to help with the nausea
Avoid spicy/acidic/fatty or fried foods for now. Use mainly small amounts of dry food
I hope this helps, feel free to ask any other questions