What Do Elevated ESR Levels Despite Being On TB Medication Indicate?

In continutaion with my previous cha(t cesarean delivery in nov 14 was dignosed tb and is on att)pls guide me further..sorry could not reopen my earlier thread,
Attaching the latest bloodwork ,pls guide.... despite taking att my esr has again risen up from 3 to 26 an so is crp from 6.25 to 13...for last week my symptoms also are resurfacing,,
Mam can i be on multidrug resistance how to find ?
Please see a specialist.
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for writing to me.
I have gone through your attached reports. Apart from raised ESR, CRP, your SGPT levels are also higher than normal. I think you should consult a gastroenterologist and also a rheumatologist for further suggestions, more so as you mentioned that your symptoms are resurfacing. Your treatment also should be reassessed for improvement and also the need for further continuation.
CECT being an invasive procedure, is better done only if absolutely needed. There seems to be not much of difference in advantage of higher versions as compared to 16 slice MDCT; a radiologist can give a better opinion a I am not well-versed with these.
Diagnosis of intestinal tuberculosis or cancer is based on the symptoms and investigations. While intestinal cancer can give symptoms like unexplained weight loss, loss of appetite, black tarry stools and a mass, diagnosis can be confirmed by endoscopy and biopsy. Tuberculosis, on the other hand, can give varied symptoms based on the structure involved.
Diagnosis of multi-drug resistance can be done through genetic tests, culture methods and so on. I have attached below some links for you to go through.
Hope your query has been clarified. Please feel free to contact for further information. I will be happy to help.

How cect is invasive procedure and can it be done with att on...are lesions more clearlyvisible on cect
For how long pegalup can bevtaken.
Can i take vitamin d supplements its 128 now and meganeuron od plus with bevon on
Vitamin D supplement may not be necessary.
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for writing back.
CECT involves injection of contrast and any procedure that involves injection is considered invasive, in the sense that it invades the inside. Any procedure is better avoided while ATT is on. The clarity of the lesions is based on the presence or absence of contrast; mostly it is good. You can contact a radiologist for a better opinion.
You did not say for how long you have been taking Pegalup and for what reason. Unless specifically prescribed, there is no need for regular use of this medication.
If your vitamin D is 128 ng/ml., you need not use any supplements.
In the links I have provided in my earlier answer, genetic tests also have been described to detect MDR TB. You can go through them for a detailed description of the procedure. Culture methods also have been described. Please open the links and go through them.
Hope your query has been answered. Please get back if you need more help.

I got a cect done .it shows adhesions between sigmoid colon and ovary and post op changes seen
At right anterior wall on scar site
Should I continue with att..doc I have gone thru the links but could not understand the specific blood test for knowing drug rezistance..pls if u can particularly name them
Had this been a soft tissue Infection or necrotic lesion would that come in cect..since sometime I feel its superficial
Taking pegalup for last 25 days..can it be continued for more
What should I do now..l
Pls guide mam
Detailed below.
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for writing back.
If I remember your earlier queries, adhesions have already been detected. these could be the possible reason for the pain and discomfort, as I mentioned earlier.
The need to continue with ATT should be confirmed by the specialist who has put you on ATT. If you are not multi-drug resistant, there is no need to go through all those tests. I sent the links for the sake of your information. If you cannot understand them, please do not bother.
The radiologist who has observed the scans can determine the scope of the investigation and the help it can provide in detecting necrosis.
It depends on the indication for which you were prescribed the medication, so, please ask the doctor who gave you Pegalup if you should continue using it.
Hope this helps.

I consulted my doc as per her opinion these adhesions are common post surgery so I should just take att
Regarding crp she said to ask for a immunologic.. How would it help in my case
Now given akt 3 for one month.. Is that safe mam
Culture of menstrual blood is useful.
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for writing again.
The sample of menstrual blood can, of course, be sent for culture and PCR tests to help in detecting genital tuberculosis. Multi-drug resistance also can be known from culture and sensitivity.
The raised CRP and ESR as per your hematology report suggest inflammation. An immunologist would try to sort out the cause of these raised values. They can be elevated in several infections and inflammatory changes in the body.
If you have been put on the six-month regime, AKT 4 is given for 2 months followed by AKT-3 for 4 months.
Hope this helps.

Pls let me know whether the menstrual blood sample has to be sent on day 1 or day 2.of periods for culture and pcr
I m also experiencing joints pain with some sort of headache and giddiness, and general tiredness and malisare these side effects of medicines,,howcan they be controlled
Does contrast of ct causes bodyache
Is it safe to take seratopeptidase again for inflammation,also till the time i meet rhematulogist,how can crp be controllled,can blood culture detect the type of inflammation going on inside,voncerned about my increasing crp and esr again.
I was takung protinex supplement,now stopped though
Best time to give a sample is within 12 hours of onset of menstruation.
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for writing.
The best time to provide a menstrual sample is within 12 hours of the onset of menstruation. Endometrial biopsy or curettings also done during the last phase of the menstrual cycle or within twelve hours of the onset of the menstruation are considered better for diagnosis.
You need to take the advice of a rheumatologist as I suggested earlier to get relief from these symptoms.
Reaction of contrast material is based on its type and the patient's response. However, body aches have not been reported. Mostly, it is the allergic manifestation that is observed.
You can have serratiopeptidase, as it can help the antibiotics to reach the site of infection. Blood culture cannot detect type of inflammation per se', but can identify if there is any serological infection. CRP indicates inflammation and can be controlled by attending to the cause.
You can continue with protein supplements and fresh fruits and vegetables. Please try to have adequate sleep.
Hope this helps. Please contact if you need any more information.

Yesterday i consulted another doc though not rhematologist yet..he prescribed me the attached list of medicines
Is content of vitagreat(given insted of bevon) and nuroday same,whatvis this used for and ny side effects..
Is gabaneuron and pregbalin same medicine because once during 3rd month in my post op period i took that an that gave me massive amount ofvgiddiness..are these medicines helpfulbin nerve pain,bcause as per my doc the pain that i mnfeeling can be because of nerves cut that was d8ne during cesarean...are these medic8nes safe to take with akt 3 and also wen i havevtaken long list of medic8nes post my operation,,,,what arevthe side effects of gabaneuron and pregbalin
What is petrilnplus used for and is ganaton total better than rabonik plus
Pegalup was given fr constipation earlier and now again for 15 days..is that sfae.does body also gets into change especially area below navel before periods ,sincevthey are delayed by 1 week.
Also attaching my latest blood work
Can ayurevedic medicine for liver protection bevtaken with att on
Pls guide
Detailed below.
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for posting your query.
I have gone through the attachments and the medications given are good enough and in accordance with your physical condition. The lab reports are mostly normal, except for the raised SGPT level as earlier and slightly elevated fasting blood sugar.
Vitagreat and Nuroday contain methylcobalamine and mecobalamine respectively. These medications are used to treat neuropathies. Common side effects include nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea, skin rashes etc.
While Gabaneuron is Gabapentin, used to treat post-herpetic neuralgia, Pregabalin is a natural supplement used to treat neuropathic pain. The symptoms you experienced are the side effects of the medication. They may be taken along with ATT, but spaced apart. Side effects of Gabapentin include several systems with nausea, vomiting, dizziness, in coordination, night blindness, fatigue and so on. Side effects of Pregabalin include edema, weight gain, tremor, dizziness, dry mouth and so on.
Petrin plus is an anticonvulsant. Ganaton total and Rabonik plus have an almost similar effect.
Pegal up is ideally given by the specialist as per the need.
Your delayed cycles are perhaps due to the several medications you are using at present.
Please consult an ayurvedic specialist for further help.Mostly, ayurvedic medications which are nutritional supplements can be prescribed to be taken along with ATT on.
Hope this helps.

or given by doc now,,is it safr to take so many medicines
i m attching both presriptions pls guide ...what do i do
how long seriatopeptidase can be taken safely..does that help in inflammation and softvtissue healing
What are the symptoms of necrosis inside abdomen.,does that come up in blood work or ct or mri,,if there is nerve damage or tissue injury
Is petril plus safe to take with att
how much pyridoxine should be taken qith att...earleir i was taking benadon 20 mg..,.doe spyridoxine reduces the effectiveness of medic8nes or the side effects of medicine
if with ur pateint this would have been the case how would have u taken care of
Detailed below.
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for writing back.
I have gone through both the prescriptions and I feel both are mostly similar. You can take any of the vitamin supplements along with calcium. Anti-inflammatory and Pegalup have to be taken as needed.
Serratiopeptidase can be taken as long as you are on antibiotics. It helps the drug to reach the site of infection better and helps to treat infection faster.
Firstly, nerve damage and tissue injury are two different things and manifest in different ways. Detection of tissue necrosis can be done clinically, through tissue biopsy, CT and MRI, apart from sonogram. Necrosis, is mostly progressive unless accurate and prompt treatment is given. The symptoms vary based on the type of necrosis. I am giving you a link to go through an elaborate description; please concentrate on post-surgical infections.
Petri plus with ATT needs to be taken with precaution as suggested below.
Pyridoxine is given as an additional supplement in ATT as Isoniazid causes peripheral neuropathy. The recommended dosage is 10 mg./day.
If I were to treat such a case, I would go for observation of the presenting symptoms, see how genuine it is, if it is a common postoperative feature, order for surgeon's opinion if I feel it is needed and proceed with management, active, if required and conservative, if the tissue healing is delayed but progressive.
Hope this helps.

Can giddiness be one of the side effect of att.oe because ofvperipheral neuropathy
Also can i take alprazolam 0.25 as i am restless for so many days ,does that also have interaction with att like petril plus
One of the doc gave me blong that contains 100 mg pyridoxine is that safe,because i forgot to told him that i was taking benadon earlier
What is tnf test is that helpful in my case os that a blood test
Because of giddiness i couldnt take pregaba m as i had massive giddiness..does that happen intially and is that helpful in nerve pain of stomach post cesarean delivery
Mam is content of bevon and vitagreat same.which is better combination
Bevon folvite and meganeuron od plus
Vitagreat and folvite
Pls guide
Can use any one combination of Pyridoxine.
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for writing.
Sorry for the delay in answering as there was a total power shutdown here. Giddiness can be due to the medication, vitamin and electrolyte imbalances, rarely due to peripheral neuropathies and so on. If it is troublesome, you can get help from a general physician or neurophysician.
Alprazolam has not been shown to have significant interactions with ATT drugs, which you have been prescribed. Yet, please do not self medicate in view of the several medications you are having.
B long is used when deficiency is suspected. Excess is always excreted in urine. Please ask your consultant and take only one preparation at a time.
TNF-Alpha test is used to detect excess amount of the factor in the serum and this can be seen in chronic infections, certain cancers and hepatitis C. This should not be used as a diagnostic test. As this gives a broad opinion, it may not be helpful in your case to pinpoint the diagnosis.
If you have discomfort that is serious while using Pregabalin, please inform your consultant right away and get treated.Dizziness is a side effect of the medication, but it should not turn serious.
Bevon is composed of some B-complex vitamins and minerals while Vitagreat contains methylcobalamine and pyridoxal phosphate. Your consultant has to decide which is a better combination in your case as visual impression is always the best.
Hope this helps.

Also the point of note on lscs scar ,what does that interpret in my mri report..pls elaborate
Doea during cesaran pressure is given on the area below the ribs and starting of abdomen...is that done in practice...and what is rc 26 term used for sueing cesaraen...pls do guide me on this
Can meganeuron od plus be taken safely with bevon
Pls guide in detaled manner point wise,epecially on properitoneal space and lscs scar point in my first mri report of XXXXXXX
Please attach the specified reports.
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for writing.
Please attach the said reports as I did not find the MRI and sonogram that you mentioned.
Pressure is usually given on the upper part of the abdomen on the fundus of the uterus during a cesarean section as the baby is being delivered out of the uterus. This is to help push the baby out faster to allow proper oxygenation to the baby. I did not get what you meant by rc 26; please elaborate.
Either Meganeuron or Bevon can be taken. There is no need to take both at one time.
Hope this helps.

Pls reply As per my earlier queries
Do doctors use something with term rc 26 during cesarean delivery
I have not received any reports on my page.
Detailed Answer:
Thanks again.
I am unable to see any MRI or ultrasound reports on my page apart from the hematology reports and three prescriptions. Please contact customer care to sort out the issue.
I do not understand what the term rc 26 means. If you can elaborate on the context of its use, I can try to clarify. RC 26 pill is used in the treatment of Alzheimer's disease.
Hope this helps.

Attaching my reports again ..pls guide
Mam I have also been given meprate 10 mg bd yesterday as my cycle has become overdue bu 17 days..is It safe to take with att..why is it used for
Please refer to the very first answer in this thread.
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for writing back.
I have already seen the reports you have uploaded. Please refer to the very first answer given in this thread.
Meprate is Medroxyprogesterone, a progestogen used to induce withdrawal bleeding in hormonal imbalance when a period is needed. It can also be used to supplement hormone deficiency. There are no known significant drug interactions with anti-tuberculous drugs. It has been prescribed several times with combinations, but, precaution should be executed by monitoring the vitals every now and then.
Hope this helps.

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