What Do Low Testosterone Levels In A Blood Test Report Indicate?
Detailed Answer:
I am sorry to learn about your condition. Managing low testosterone related matters requires an endocrinologists' evaluation in person. When I see someone in my practice who presets with your type of problem, I perform a thorough physical examination including that of the genitals. Then blood tests are in order such as CBC , CMP, TSH, Free T4 , Total Testosterone, SHBG, FSH, LH. Based on the results of these tests, further tests can be considered such as prolactin, ferritin, karyotype etc. I see you are already on treatment with testosterone but the key question to answer is what is the cause of your low testosterone. I am not aware of any published report of TURP leading to low testosterone. Ideally one needs to be off the testosterone treatment for some time to assess the axis correctly