What Do Mouth Ulcers Indicate As Per The Attached Reports?
I request you to please have a look at and suggest medication at your earliest for a kid of almost 4 years of age.
He’s also suffering from cough and cold but for that we only gave scenarist yesterday.
Apply Zytee lotion, give multivitamin
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for asking on this platform
I have reviewed the images and do understand your concern.
These are likely to be aphthous ulcers and gets precipitated with any accompanied illness.
Giving multivitamin supplements like A to Z syrup or polybion syrup 5 ml twice a day along with an application of Zytee lotion(an anti-infective and analgesic) over the affected area three to four times a day after proper hand hygiene will help.
Oral steroid gel gives a dramatic response but not easily available. Orobase or any other brand of triamcinolone(a steroid) clears these ulcers after 2-3 applications only.
I hope this helps.
Please let me know if you have any more questions.
Do you know what can I ask for these mouth ulcer medicines which you suggested over here in Netherlands.
Also doctor as I had asked a question about cough which he is suffering from for a week now, I would like to know what I can give for cough specially that I am outside of XXXXXXX in Netherlands if you know of any medicines.
One of my friends gave me levocetrizine dihydrochloride syrup, Will that be of any use in this condition ?
You can search the brand by ingredients
Detailed Answer:
I am really very sorry but I don't have any idea of Netherland's brand name.
Zytee gel contains choline salicylate and benzalkonium. You may ask there in pharmacy if it is avaliable as over the counter medicine.
You can give levocetrizine as it is an anti allergic and will help in cough. Giving levosalbutamol which helps in relieving spasm will help more.