What Do My Lab Test Reports Indicate?
My friend's mother is diagnosed with breast cancer. Reports are attached. ( The website doesn't allow us to upload more than 3 reports so we have uploaded Discharge Summary, Echogardiogram, Whole body MRI reports. We will upload further reports during followup questions )
My friend lives in a remote place, the doctors over there seems to be not answering properly. We are worried.
What I understood from my friend's narration is., They are trying to arrest cancer spreading to other areas first and are trying to remove fluids from the tumour by chemotheraphy injections and are trying to reduce the tumour size to less than 1 cm. At the moment the doctors are giving chemotheraphy injections on first day and then on 3rd and 4th day they are giving " FILGRASTIM for SC - IV use only " injection etc. This chemotheraphy and other injections cycle will be repeated for every 3 weeks for the next 4 months. After that they planned to do surgery.
Kindly tell us is this procedure correct? What are the treatment options available to us? What precautions to take, food control to follow and any other valuable information, etc. Please provide very very detailed answer.
Breast Carcinoma Stage 3 B-T4/N2 with triple Negative cell type/ Under Trea
Detailed Answer:
Brief Ans-Breast Carcinoma Stage 3 B-T4/N2 with triple Negative cell type/ Under Treatment
Hi,Dear !! Thanks for your query with its marathon report updates to HCM.
Read and reviewed your query and report updates in context to your health concerns.
Your friends mother-is having a breast cancer which has good chance of recovery if treated on the lines suggested by doctors there.
My Opinion-
In the given scenario-You seem to suffer from
-Right Breast Cancer- Stage 3-B (with skin ulcer)T4(tumour-more than 5 cm) /N2 (node less than 2 cm)
-With ? Left Breast Cancer
Better option-in given case.
To understand about the distant metastatic spread,PET scan study is advisable,which you can discuss with doctors there.
Before going for any surgery,knowing distant metastatic spread would give definite prognostic indication which would help in planning right kind of chemo and other treatments in your friends mother's case.
Replies to your specific Queries as follows-
Q-1-Kindly tell us is this procedure correct?
Ans-Dear, Your friends mother is getting the correct treatment under cover of right team of doctors.BE PATIENT and CO-OPERATE treating doctors.
Q-2-What are the treatment options available to us?
Ans-In the given situation,as the tumour is limited to breast and is locally invasive with spread to regional(ie-axillary nodes),Prior Chemotherapy to reduce local tumour mass and excise the breast lump along with axillary nodes,is the option.
Optional plan to be Used-
Get Pet-Scan study-which would help in knowing distant metastasis.
This would help in giving more acceptable prognostic outcome in your mother's case.
Q-3- What precautions to take, food control to follow and any other valuable information,
Ans-3-As you are in the hands of good team of doctors, as perceived from the submitted data,You need not worry and just leave all this care to your doctors attending there.
But you can very-well discuss this with your attending doctors about-food and any other query you have.
Await more specific queries , for more replies on various aspects,if need be,so as to fix this problem.
Dear, Hope this reply would help you to resolve your health issues and its worries, with help of your doctors there.
Welcome for any further query in this regard.
If need be, update any health issue 24 x 7 by a direct question to ME, at following HCM link-http://doctor.healthcaremagic.com/Funnel?page=askDoctorDirectly&docId=70229
Dear, if satisfied, Don't forget to close this query with YOUR pleasing and excellent feedback comments to rate this reply, to boost the morale of incoming Emergency patients like YOU, at HCM services.
Keep Me updated,if you want to update more details and ask more update queries ,
You are most Welcome herewith !!
Good Day!!
Wishing Good Healthy Life in time to come!!
Dr.Savaskar M.N. XXXXXXX Surgical Specialist
Thank You so much for your very detailed reply. We are pleased with your reply. Keep up the good work. When we close this discussion we will leave you a very good review and rating.
Kindly tell us the ways and means to increase WBC count.
Her next Chemo injections are on Thursday ( 09-06-16). You may Please reply after three days so that we can have some more time to observe and ask any follow up questions in our next reply.
Thank You
White blood increasing food and medicines.....!!
Detailed Answer:
Brief Ans-White Blood Cells increasing food and medicines.
Hi,Dear !! Thanks for your appreciating comments, which would boost the morale of My services for patients like You, at HCM.
Dear,Chemotherapy causes neutropenia from bonemarrow depression
List of food and medicines-
Good healthy food with superfoods like -blueberries,strawberries,carrots,beet,garlic,onion,walnuts,yoghurt,Sporlac,Vit B12/Folic acid sublingual Tablets,Multivitamines with Vit D3 / Calcium / Magnesium,Selenium,Zinc,Vit E,Vit A,Honey,chyavanprash.
High protein diet, mushrooms,wheet grass, barley grass,spirulna powder/ leaves,Green Tea,Olive oil,Oranges,ashwgandha.
Vegetables with purple,red,orange,yellow colours,sprouted beans,Fruits and its juices,Spinach Soups,Banana Milk Shakes.
Fish proteins and fats for omega-3 fatty acids,eggs,chicken in moderation,Butter milk.
Balanced food and jogging for 20 minutes with 20 minutes sunbath, would boost immunity accompanied with above food intake.
Practice Yoga breathing techniques- Bhashrika and Awalom, Vilom,for 20 minutes alternating with sunbath and jogging, would stabilize body capacity to sustain side effects of chemotherapy and cancer stress on body.
Await more specific queries , after Thursday for any further replies.
Dear, Hope this reply would help you to resolve your health issues and its worries, with help of your doctors there.
Welcome for any further query in this regard.
If need be, update any health issue 24 x 7 by a direct question to ME,
at following HCM link-http://doctor.healthcaremagic.com/Funnel?page=askDoctorDirectly&docId=70229
Dear, as you are satisfied, close this query with YOUR pleasing and excellent feedback comments to rate this reply, to boost the morale of incoming Emergency patients like YOU, at HCM services.
Keep Me updated,if you want to update more details and ask more update queries ,
You are most Welcome herewith !!
Good Day!!
Wishing Good Healthy Life in time to come!!
Dr.Savaskar M.N. XXXXXXX Surgical Specialist