What Do My Lab Test Reports Indicate?
I used to run & walk 2-3 miles a day on a track by the local XXXXXXX Center. I also had afib at the time which was OK. In 2011 Little Rock Heart Hospital did a cardiac abligation to burn the afib away. As soon as I was up and walking I couldn't breathe. I have seen pulmonologists etc. and they all say "No, it's AFib." My only symptom is I can't breath and walk. Walking up stairs takes me minutes as I have to stop every few steps. I was fine before the ablation.
Pulmonary veins stenosis
Detailed Answer:
Dear sir, a common complication of the cardiac ablation is pulmonary vien stenosis. it occurs in around 5% of cases. pulmonary vine stenosis is usually presented with dysnea of the exceptional type. to confirm the diagnosis of PVS you need to undergo a ventilation perfusion test that examines the blood flow in the pulmonary veins. if the blood flow is decreased then the diagnosis of PVS is confirmed . another test is MRI scan to measure the dimensions of the pulmonary veins' orifices . if the orifice dimension is decreased in one of the pulmonary veins the diagnosis is confirmed.
once the diagnosis is confirmed an interventional procedure can be done to correct the stenosis using a stent
I hope I answered your question. if you do not have any other clarifications then please close the discussion.
Other mechanisms of PVS
Detailed Answer:
Dear Ms, pulmonary vein stenosis can occur by different mechanisms following the cardiac ablation. one of which is the formation of blood clots . this mechanism is prevented by Pradaxa. unfourtanetly Pradaxa does not prevent pulmonary vien stenosis by other mechanisms which include:
1) intense inflammation and collagen deposition following the ablation . this may compromise the lumen or even occlude it
2) extensive fibrosis in the perihilar pulmonary vien tissues following ablation leading to stenosis
this means that taking Pradaxa decreases the incidence of occurrence but doesn't prevent pulmonary vien stenosis .
I hope I answered your question. if you don't have any other clarifications then please close the discussion .