What Do My Lab Test Reports Indicate?
I friend of mine has a medical condition. Kindly have a look at the attached medical report. I wish if you could please advise a Herbal Medicine name in this case and how it should be taken?
Thanking you in advance and looking forward to hear from you soon.
Kind regards
further necessary management
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for contacting Ayurveda with your health concern and after reviewing the case history, reports attached and fellow Doctor's opinion and diagnosis I'm of the following opinion:
1. good thing is that it will not turn into more serious blood disorder like aplastic anemia/leukemia/SLE.
2. since platelet count is low do not take pain killers except paracetamol
3. use an electric razor instead of shaving blade
4. avoid any dental procedure and be careful while using household tools like knives/scissors
5. juice or raw papaya leaves, ghritkumari [aloevera juice] are helpful in increasing the platelet count. One result oriented medicine which I do give in my patients of low platelet count [due to dengue/malaria or ITP] is P-plus capsules which contain both of the above ingredients processed in goat's milk, so if interested I can courier you the result oriented medicine
Dr. Munish
Consultant Physician
direct online link: bit.ly/drmunishsood