What Do Round Circle On The Ankles Indicate?
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Detailed Answer:
Hi and thanks for this query.
I am so sorry to hear about this lesion that you have reported. I have reviewed this information and the best way to help would be by inspecting an image of this reported pink circle lesions. I will suggest that you kindly upload an image for review. This way, I can provide a personalized and helpful response to you as opposed to a generic one that might not prove helpful. Nothing replaces seeing a rash for inspection and assessment. Perfectly pink circles are not typical of ring worms!
To upload an image, simply click on the link to upload a file and follow the instructions. If this proves difficult, please send the image by mail to YYYY@YYYY and request that the image should be uploaded to your query.
I do promise to get back to you with more insights and helpful recommendations as soon as the requested information gets here.