What Do Small Bumps On Vaginal Opening Indicate?
detailed answer as below
Detailed Answer:
Dear member,
The vagina can have different types of lesions due to different causes. Infections cause bumps or vesicles filled with water or pus and cause itching and burning sensation with pain. These are usually sexually transmitted and need to be treated.
Some times the bartholin gland which is normally not felt may get inflamed and swollen.
Occasionally painless bumps may be due to genital warts.
So let me know if the bump is painful? What other symptoms do you have with the bump? Are you sexually active - if yes, do you follow safe sex?
You should visit your doctor at the earliest if you have any symptoms of infection or pain.
Hope this helps. Let me know if you need clarifications. Please answer my question in your follow up.
Dr Bhagyashree
consider waiting for 2 weeks
Detailed Answer:
Dear member,
Thanks for writing.
If you are asymptomatic then most probably it's warts . You can wait for 2 weeks and see if they resolve spontaneously.
If they increase in size or number then please visit a gynaecologist as the proper visual examination of the lesion is required.
Dr Bhagyashree
not like to be herpes
Detailed Answer:
Dear member,
Thanks for writing.
It's most unlikely to be herpes as herpes genitalis is associated with intense burning and itching and painful vesicles.
Genital warts is due to HPV infection.
You may need to visit your gynecology specialist to confirm whether it's indeed HPV.
Dr Bhagyashree