What Do These BP Readings Indicate?
I made a mistake when I wrote it out. My second bp was 107/53. I also had an eye exam about a month ago and the optician said that my left eye showed signs of high blood pressure but not the right. I'm not sure what to make of it. The feeling of presure in my eyes in odd. I was told they are healthy
several issues
Detailed Answer:
Hello and thank you for your question.
Your blood pressure is fine as long as you are not feeling dizzy or weak. If you were told that you have high pressure in your eyes that could be a sign of glaucoma.
I think that with your symptoms you need to seen an ophthalmologist, not an optician to make sure that you are not getting early glaucoma.
If you want to check your blood pressure at home then the best blood pressure cuff for home use is Omron and you can get them fairly cheaply at walmart or a drug store.
There are several things that can be causing the swelling in the feet. You need to see your doctor and make sure that your sugars and kidney functions are normal as well as thyroid tests.
Please let me know if you have further questions
Dr. Robinson
have had life lifetime of odd behavior from my eyes (ie: one pupil would grow large for no reason). My doctor thought it could be related to my neck and gave me Naproxen. No one ever thought of the possibility of Glaucoma because I have always had clear eye exams.
If I have Glaucoma (I looked it up) I think it is the closed angle variety which would explain the fact that the symptoms come and go. :-( I still have pressure and some pain in my head today but not as bad. I think I am going to wait a bit to decide my course of action but if the pain occurs as bad as it was again - I will go directly to emerg. I'm from Canada and getting an ophthalmologist could take a while unless I was at a hospital (in which case the symptoms could be gone - like what has already been happening).
Oh well..... time will tell. I'm not going to diagnose myself - just pay more attention and not wait until it hurts so much. I probably should have gone to the hospital when it was bad. I was wearing sunglass to watch tv at night. Silly... but my eyes were that sensitive to light and hurting that much.
Thanks so much for your time. XXXXX
hello and thanks for the follow up
Detailed Answer:
I hope you can get checked soon.
An ophthalmologist can do some testing of the pressure in your eyes and also visual field testing to make sure you do not have glaucoma. I would go ahead and start the process to see an ophthalmologist if you could do that. It is always better to treat eye diseases when they are in the early stages to prevent permanent visual loss.
Best to you
Dr. Robinson