What Do These HIV Test Results Indicate?
My exposure date - 22nd Dec 2016
- Kissing , touching cheeks , neck of girl of unknown hiv or std's status.
- Nude bath in shower and kissing her while bathing
- Sucked and licked her breast extensively
- Nude on bed , kissing and sucking bed and penetrated on bed sheet( no vaginal touch and lip locking)
- She had some dry scar or white rash at ribs near neck and may be by mistake i have touched from my hand or lips.
- uthera contact to bed and may be her leg or stomach
My test Results
Hiv 1-2 elisa - neg ( 15 days)
Hiv 1-2 elisa - neg ( 51 days)
HIv 1-2 Elisa CMIA ( Dr lal path Labs) - Non reactive at 120 days - Value 0.22
HIv 1-2 Elisa CMIA ( Dr lal path Labs) - Non reactive at 220 days - Value 0.06
Hep B & Hep C - Neg (120 days)
Herpes 1-2 - Neg (120 Days)
Vdrl - Neg (120 days)
Claymadia - neg (120 days)
Now The important Point:
Last week I went to XXXXXXX and got wet during the rains. Next Day I got fever/flu (Full Body Pain , temp in between 102-103 F , cough & Shivering , red dots at lower leg from last Wednesday ( 10-08-2017 till 14-08-2017). After fever medications it has gone but still cough is persistent.
Now major complications :
1) After fever went , from till now I am not experiencing any appetite and lost weight of 1.5 kg in last 5 days.
2) Feeling very weak , head heaviness , blurr & weak vision.
3) Major important thing .... i am getting white discharge near penis area. Getting some ulcers(coming & going) at the corner of tongue
"I would like to share that during my test till 7 months , i had multiple sexual intercourse with my Wife."
I doctor is the last week fever is just a Flu or my body is sero-converting ??
Even after 7.5 months negative hiv test and kind of exposure , should i still worry about hiv or any other STD.
What would be reason of such penile white discharge & light headiness ?
Pls suggest what should i do next.
You are free from HIV. Your symptoms are not related to HIV.
Detailed Answer:
Welcome once again to HCM.
Thanks for posting your query.
None of your activity with that girl had risk for HIV. Your test had been clearly rule out HIV infection beyond any doubt. Seroconversion 8 months after the sexual activity (without any risk for HIV) is unheard. So it is obvious all your symptoms are unrelated to HIV or STD.
Fever, rashes, cough, rigor can occur in many types of infections (viral and bacterial) other than HIV. Anybody can get at anytime. Such a common problem. Loss of weight (1.5 kg) following an episode of fever for 4-7 days is not unusual.
Regarding white discharge per penis (near penis area? what you mean by white discharge? whether it is real discharge or white deposit? Near means whether it is really from penis or not?), there could be many reasons.
1. Are you a circumcised individual or not?
2. Are you able to retract your foreskin freely or not?
3. Uncleanliness of under surface of foreskin properly might lead to infection and subsequent discharge. It is a big topic to be discussed.
Consult a Dermato-venereologist nearby and get well soon as it has to be examined and investigated to arrive at the cause and for appropriate treatment. Online discussion will not help you much. Get well soon.
Dr S.Murugan
I am unscurcumsized.
Yes i am able to retract it freely.
Its not actually discharge but just a little white decomposition near penis area.
By biggest worry is loss of appetite after fever. As I heard that HIV is also causing no appetite and loss of weight.
Secondly in all my hiv test at 15,51 , 120 and 220 days ..... i had few sex episode with my wife. Does it coonted at exposure or not? Does it create any impact or influcence on test results or not?
How confident should i feel on Dr lal path lab results?
Last but not least , should i consider for retesting or test at 220 days are conclusive.
Your HIV results are very much conclusive and you are free from HIV.
Detailed Answer:
Welcome back.
Your results are very much conclusive and the Lalpath results are highly reliable.
Loss of appetite following fever is not uncommon and it is definitely not due to HIV as your results are confirmed that you are free from HIV.
What you had described as white decomposition near penile area (?) possibly might be due to candidal balanoposthitis which can be treated with appropriate medicine after confirming the diagnosis. Your wife also has to be treated simultaneously. Consult a dermatovenereologist and get cured soon.
Your contact with your wife did not have any influence on the outcome of the HIV results. Not to worry.
Dr S.Murugan
Thanks for your vote of confidence , just last think I would like to ask.
In any case its possible that some1 got infected and test not able to detect till 6-7 months.
The lal path lab test was 3rd generation to this much period is highly conclusive for all such generation test.
Third doctor , I have lost my 2.5 kgs of weight in last 1 week and getting very weak vision, loose motions and light headiness. Whenever i am eating something m geeling nausea. DOes it anything related to fear of hiv or just part of viral infection.
Should I leave all fear of hiv infection considering the type of expsoure and test results.
Your symptoms are not related to HIV infection.
Detailed Answer:
Welcome back.
Whatever may be the condition, one cannot be sero converted 6 months after the exposure if an infection is present.
All your symptoms might be due to anxiety.
Otherwise a good clinician has to find the real cause for your problems with necessary investigations.
Third generation tests are reliable to the extent of more than 98%. But you had multiple tests 3 months after the risky contact, (after the window period). That makes your reports 100 % reliable.
For your symptoms, meet an expert general physician and get well soon. Your symptoms are not at all related to HIV.
Dr S Murugan