What Do These MRI Findings Of The Cervical Spine Indicate?
TECHNIQUE: MRI of the cervical spine was performed acquiring various T1 and T2-weighted sequences in multiple planes. No intravenous contrast given.
FINDINGS: Vertebral body heights and bone marrow signal are normal in the cervical spine. There is multilevel disc desiccation spanning C2-C7. There straightening of the expected cervical spine lordosis. No subluxation. The spinal cord has normal caliber and signal intensity. There are no masses in the spinal canal. The paraspinal tissues are unremarkable. The visualized portions of the posterior fossa appear normal. Vertebral artery flow voids are noted.
C2-C3: Posterior disc osteophyte complex, partially effacing the anterior CSF space. Mild facet joint degenerative changes are noted. No significant neuroforaminal narrowing.
C3-C4: Posterior disc osteophyte complex, partially effacing the anterior CSF space. There is mild left neuroforaminal narrowing.
C4-C5: Posterior disc osteophyte complex, asymmetric to the left, effacing the anterior CSF space and encroaching upon the ventral surface of the cord (especially on the left). There is mild narrowing of the left subarticular zone and mild/moderate narrowing of the left neuroforamen.
C5-C6: Posterior disc osteophyte complex, effacing the anterior CSF space and encroaching upon the ventral surface of the cord. An annular fissure is suspected. There is mild left neuroforaminal narrowing.
C6-C7: Posterior discussed of a complex, asymmetric to the left. There is partial effacement of the anterior CSF space. There is mild left neuroforaminal narrowing.
C7-T1: No significant posterior disc herniation. No significant neuroforaminal or spinal canal narrowing.
Degenerative changes/Medicines and physiotherapy exercises.
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for being on healthcaremagic.com.
I am Dr.Ajay Panwar,a neurologist,here to answer your query.
I have gone through your MRI reports.There are Posterior disc bulges right from C2-C3 to C6-C7 which are most prominent at C4-C5 and C5-C6.These are causing thecal indentation thus effacing the CSF spaces along with approximation to ventral surface of the cord and narrowing the left neural foramina.
To summarise,moderate degenerative changes.Anti-neuralgic medicines(like pregabalin,amitriptyline) to be taken along with methylcobalamin and vitamin D/Calcium supplementation.
At the same time,dedicated regular physiotherapy has great value,and increases the chances of improvement.So,please learn spinal exercises from an expert physiotherapist and do them regularly.
I hope to see you improve soon.
Hope that I have answered your query.If you have some further questions,I shall be glad to have you in follow-up.
Dr.Ajay Panwar,
Physiotherapy will decrease symptoms.
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for being in follow-up.
Bone spurs can't reverse but effective physiotherapy will decrease the symptoms and further progression of the disease.In spine degenerative diseases,the focus of management is 'improvement in symptoms' and not the MRI picture.
Hope that I have answered your query.If you have some further questions,I shall be glad to answer else please close the thread,rate it and write a review as your rating will be of help to me.
Dr.Ajay Panwar,