What Do These Vitamin D Levels Indicate?
Start on vitamin D supplement
Detailed Answer:
Welcome to Healthcare Magic.
Your Vitamin D is less. Calcium is in normal range though lower side of normal. So don't worry for that. Daily take one glass of milk. It will take care of calcium levels.
For Vitamin D deficiency the cause needs to be found out. The treatment is treating the cause and taking supplement. I suggest you to discuss this with your doctor. It's not an emergency. You may start the supplement within a week.
I suggest you to start Vitamin D3 6000IU per day after confirming the same from your doctor.
The causes of Vitamin D deficiency are mostly lack of sunlight exposure, drugs and obesity which needs to be found out.
Hope I have answered your query. If any further queries are there I would love to help.
Dr Deepika Patil
I drink one glass of Milk everyday and yes Sunlight Exposure is less, what time is best for taking Sunbath and Tab should be taken before meal or after meal.
can u also suggest brand if possible
Continue milk
Detailed Answer:
Continue milk. That much will give you adequate calcium. I also suggest you eat lots pf fruits and green vegetables
Sun exposure is best during mid of the day to produce Vitamin D . It also depends on how much area exposed. If you are fair skinned then 10mins exposure is fine . If you are dark skinned then 20 to 25 mins exposure is needed.
Tablets you may take after food once daily usually at same time.
Some brands of Vitamin D3 are
-Nature plus
Or you can take vitamin D3 sachets (60,000 IU) once in a week for 8-10 weeks
Vitamin D3 is better then Vitamin D2.
You can get this medications with local doctor prescription
Hope I have answered your query. If any further queries are there I would love to help.
Dr Deepika Patil
Continue it
Detailed Answer:
Yes you need to take the tablets for 3 months and get the vitamin D levels checked. Then dose may be adjusted.
Vitamin D you may take 6000IU daily or 60000IU per week. Continue the medication.
If no further queries are there you may close the discussion and rate the response.
Dr Deepika Patil