What Do These Blood Glucose Levels Indicate?
Cholesterol/liver/ thyroid/glucose
Detailed Answer:
I have noted your comments.
I am assuming this blood test was done fasting. If this is not the case please let me know.
Your fasting glucose is 110. This is called IFG (Impaired Fasting Glucose) or Pre Diabetes.
Your liver enzymes are modestly elevated. When I see someone like you in my practice I order tests to explore why you have this liver condition.
One is a Hepatitis panel to look for chronic hepatitis B/C.
The other is an Ultrasound examination of the liver to look for fat around the liver.
Your cholesterol is quite high. You will need a cholesterol lowering medication such as a statin. I understand you are concerned about the status of your liver. But when I manage an individual with your kind of profile, I investigate the above mentioned aspects regarding the liver and start a moderate dose statin. I warn the patient about signs of liver problems like jaundice, abdominal pain and fatigue. And then I check liver enzymes in a couple months.
Your thyroid medication dose seems fine.