What Do These Chest X-rays Indicate?
Get done PFT first.
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for your question on HCM.
I can understand your concern.
Chronic bronchitis is inflammation of airways mostly due to cigarette smoke.
Inflammation causes airway edema and hyperemia(increased blood flow).
In normal chest x ray blood vessels are usually not seen prominently because they are carrying less blood.
But when these vessels are carrying more blood, they become more visible, more prominent on chest x ray. Blood vessels run along with bronchi (airways) in the lung. In chronic bronchitis, due to airway edema, these airways and hyperemic blood vessels, both become more prominent. And hence report says changes of chronic bronchitis.
But these x ray findings are not seen only in chronic bronchitis.
Prominent bronchovascular markings can also be seen in viral infection, in normal person if x ray is taken in expiratory phase etc.
So prominent chest markings is broad term which includes chronic bronchitis as one of the cause along with other above mentioned causes.
But for patient and treatment point of view, these x ray findings are not much important.
Important things are
1. Are you symptomatic or not
2. PFT (Pulmonary Function Test) results.
Smoking causes functional (obstructive) lung disease.
So if you are having symptoms like cough, breathlessness, wheezing or having PFT results suggestive of functional lung disease, irrespective of x ray reporting, you need treatment.
So please let me know
1. Are you having any symptoms of cough, breathlessness or wheezing?
2. Have you ever undergone PFT?
Please reply me answers of above asked questions, so that I can guide you better.
I will be happy to help you further.
Wish you good health. Thanks.