What Do These Following Blood Reports Indicate?
i have multiple lumps on my body that was due to HBV ((HbsAg + )and reports are attached.
on December 2006, there are 4 lumps on my body , now it is more than 50.
my age is 31 now , my parents don't know this and they are looking for girl for marriage.
is there anyway to reduce the lumps on my body by surgery.
Rising numbers of Multiple lumps allover on Body/Under Investigation
Detailed Answer:
Brief Ans-Rising numbers of Multiple lumps allover on Body/Under Investigation
Hi,Dear,Thanks for your query to HCM.
I studied your query in all the details put by YOU.I reviewed all the query details in context of the pictures and reports attached herewith by YOU!!
Dear,based on the data given by Your query and by your various reports,
I will reply all your queries by giving POINT TO POINT REPLY as FOLLOWS- till you are satisfied ,which is very important in your case.
Q-i- i have multiple lumps on my body that was due to HBV ((HbsAg + )and reports are attached.
Ans-i-Dear,Thanks for these reports.But Dear on reviewing your pictures of the multiple Lumps,it seems that there is no correlation of these lumps with the HBV(HbsAt+),as they are not caused by the post-vaccination effect.
So JUST REMOVE THE FEAR PSYCHOSIS AND ANXIETY from your MIND about THESE LUMPS,which is very essential for you to get cured from this ailment.
Q-ii-on December 2006, there are 4 lumps on my body , now it is more than 50.?
Ans-ii-Dear,the main problem for YOU is, why and how these lumps XXXXXXX from 4 lumps on December 2006 to more than 50 LUMPS,after the vaccination shot?
Dear,In My expert opinion,all these lumps were there in your body-by your hereditary make up-which you have got from your father and mother,
and is not caused due to the vaccination or due to any infection from any bacteria or virus.
This condition is known as MULTIPLE LIPOMATOSIS.This is a wellknown scientific facts,these are all BENIGN LUMPS,not to be worried if they grow in numbers.They are not cancerous and not causing to compromise your LIFE YEARS in any way.
Best way You go for the FNAC Biopsy and a Full Body Scan to Remove Your FEAR and you will be relieved from the FEAR you have.
-Definitive CURE for those LUMPS which cause PROBLEMS FOR YOU-
There is a denitive Cure for each of the lump,which is causing a-Cosmetic problem / or b-Pressure Complaints by its Odd site in the body.
For any of these complaints caused by any of these LUMPS, you can get rid of PERMANANTLY by a planned COSMETIC SURGERY FROM EXPERT SURGEONS.
Q-iii-my age is 31 now , my parents don't know this and they are looking for girl for marriage.
Ans-iii-Dear,I understand concerns for your PARENTS and their SOCIAL CONCERNS for your marraige,as they don't KNOW this latest development over recent years.
Dear,For your young age,Parents are going to look for the girls for your marraige as per the SOCIAL XXXXXXX CULTURE and are doing their sacred and religious duty.
Let them do their DUTY and YOu also be ready for the MARRIAGE.
I ASSURE YOU,that you will enjoy this life without loosing a Single LIFE YEAR and MOVEMENT that is destined for YOU.
Nothing is there to REDUCE YOUR LIFE,even these multiple LUMPS On all your BODY and no LAW is there to PREVENT YOU FROM YOUR MARRAIGE.That is YOUR BASIC HUMAN RIGHT for which medical science would help you out.
So DON'T WORRY FOR THESE LUMPS,I would take care of it for YOU and your life.
immediately after the cosmetic surgeries if you need any.
Q-iv-is there anyway to reduce the lumps on my body by surgery.
Ans-iv-There are many ways to reduce these lumps and Cosmetic Surgeries either by Surgeons or by Plastic Surgeons,would give you 100% RELIEF FROM THES LIPOMA LUMPS.
FNAC BIOPSY and WHOLE BODY SCAN would reduce all the risks to your LIFE,so that You could Marry as to wishes of YOURS and your PARENTS
Hope this reply would give you answer to all your WORRIES and reduce your ANXIETY hence forth.This would MAKE YOUR LIFE MORE PLEASANT,to your DREAMS.
Welcome for any further query in this regard,which I would love to reply in My next session.I would love to reply all your queries in this matter till You are satisfied.
IF you are satisfied with this reply,Will appreciate YOU,to write your review comments,to help the needy patients like YOU,with intricate health issue,at HCM.
Good Day!!
Dr.Savaskar M.N.
M.S.Genl-CVTS XXXXXXX Surgical Specialist
Thanks for your explanation.
is there any medicine from disease, HBV carrier it says?
is there any medicine to control the growth of the lumps?
shell i consult for check up in USA. is this going to impact my H1B status(employment authorization) if the reports go to immigration services?
there is attachment final_report (image ) which says that i have HBV Carrier. could you please let me know what it means. is this AIDS?
Familial Multiple Lipomatosis / Under Investigation
Detailed Answer:
Brief Ans-Familial Multiple Lipomatosis / Under Investigation
Hi,Dear,thanks for your repeat 4 queries.
Sorry for the belated replies as I had a very hectic schedule whole day.
Dear You seem to have been obsessed with this Lipomatosis and Cancellation of your HB1 Visa if you are known to suffer from this HBV.I would reply all these health concerns soon hereafter one by one.
I tried to explain Many basic facts related to your first Query which has 3/4 subqueries in itself.
As told to You,You have an incidental crop up of Lipoma lumps all over Your body,incidentaly with Hepatitis B vaccine,it seems from your records and reports.But this was basically due to the medical condition -Familial Multiple Lipomatosis - which is TOTALLY NON-CANCEROUS.
You have to check up with Biopsy after Surgical excision from any Surgeon there in USA,who would guide You tand treat you then and there.NO need to come down to XXXXXXX
Although all Your new questions are Marathon queries, but To restrict our discussion I would try to reply Point By Point as follows-
Q-i-is there any medicine from disease, HBV carrier it says?
Ans-i-HBV carrier is mostly a disease which carries Hepatitis B virus and term by itself explains mostly its without any complaints and symptoms.The carrier status is labelled to those individuals who carry HBV viruses after 6 mths of initial detection of the HBV.
-But a 6 mthly Liver Scans to rule out any cirrhosis of liver is to be done and your doctor needs to be consulted to avoid any unforeseen developments out of chronic liver illness,which could be avoided with good diet and alcohol avoidance
-Remedies /Medicine for HBV-There are many drug treatments available,which could be used only if your doctor with whom You are treating,suggests,as it is very specific treatment for specific causes and medical complaints.
I am concluding it short as its a very special topic and would need seperate session by itself.
So do take these medicines with consultation from your doctor.
Q-ii-is there any- medicine to control the growth of the lumps?
Ans-ii-In allopathic Science We don't advise any medicine,as the condition is BENIGN and is harmless.We advise only living with it in HARMONY,with a Watch and re-check,if it grows in Size causing pressure complaints or by its location-as on the forehead/ or neck-for Cosmetic disturbances.
We advise just Surgical Removal with Biopsy to rule out any hidden / silent cancerous changes, to plan the strategic treatment if any there after.
Other wise we don't advise treatment,as explained in My last reply also.
REMEDIES-Optional Which You can try -
-Liposuction-if the size is big and you want to avoid a big scar for cosmetic reasons.This has been lately introduced as the treatment
-Dietary Treatments-Low Fat Diet is advised.If you find that during the growing numbers of lumps in your case,You have increased obesity during this period,Then this might help YOU.
High fat diet and Low Vit E levels -causing Vit E deficiency cause -Lipoma Lumps,is one theory.
-So reduce on FATTY DIETS and Take Vit E- for x 3 mths atleast.
Keep Me updated after that 3 mths time for a review.
-Cider Vinegar taken with Honey-is known to regress Lipomas.But is not practiced and promoted from Allopaths like us.
But as an option You could try this for 3 mths separately and keep Me updated.Don't Mix up these medicines.
These are the options which you could try at your own risks.
Q-iii-shell i consult for check up in USA. is this going to impact my H1B status(employment authorization) if the reports go to immigration services?
Ans-This You can ask US immigration authorities or by going through their enquiry desk FAQ or by getting information by remaining anonymous.
I will leave this to US-Immigration Experts ONLY.
But it should not affect your H1B visa,as far as My knowledge tells,but I am not sure.Hence I would suggest You to consult the US Immigration Services,Please.
Q-iv-there is attachment final_report (image ) which says that i have HBV Carrier. could you please let me know what it means. is this AIDS?
Ans-iv-NO it is NOT AIDS?HBV carrier is not AIDS patient for SURE.
Hope these Marathon replies would reduce all your worries and Anxiety with it for you and for your future life.
Hope this reply would give you answer to all your WORRIES and reduce your ANXIETY hence forth.This would MAKE YOUR LIFE MORE PLEASANT,to your DREAMS.
Welcome for any further query in this regard,which I would love to reply in My next session.I would love to reply all your queries in this matter till You are satisfied.
If need be,do contact for any query to My mail ID- YYYY@YYYY for further dialogue on your health issues.
IF you are satisfied with this reply,Will appreciate YOU,to write your excellent review comments on My service experience for YOU,to help the needy patients like YOU,with intricate health issues,at HCM.
Good Day!!
Dr.Savaskar M.N.
XXXXXXX Surgical Specialist
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