What Do These Following Blood Reports Indicate?
I am 31 M with no previous history of any disease. I drink moderately and have quit smoking from last 1 year. In my recent annual reports I had high RBC, Heamaglobin, Hematocrit. Other things in CBC tests were normal.
I also had high levels of Eosinophyl in WBC diffrential count (18%) other things were completly normal
Also in Liver function test I had high Ast/sgot:52 and alt/sgpt: 143 but alkaline phosphate was normal
I am really worried what is the problem. I was not under any medication nor had any allergies before the test.
Nothing to worry. Just simple lifestyle changes are required.
Detailed Answer:
Hello dear. I have gone through the details.
So, you have high RBC, Hb and hematocrit. These are just borderline high and we usually advise to get a repeat sample investigated to make it double sure.
Even If after a repeat sample it is elevated, it is likely due to the fact that you have been a smoker in recent past.
Smoking acts as a stimulus for increased production of RBC, HB and Hematocrit. So , do not worry.
After another period of one year or so , these parameters will be normalised.
Eosinophilia is a matter of concern and it points towards some parasitic infestation, or some kind of allergies which require investigation in the form of stool routine examination and a chest xray. Very safely, anti parasitic drugs like albendazole can be taken to remove the parasites from the gut.
Your liver function test abnormalities can be explained by the fact that you are an alcoholic. Moreover you are obese and you have a high BMI of 26.
These two facts can cause abnormalities of liver function test as well as liver in the form of fatty liver which is actually the case.
Just stop alcohol, start exercising daily and reduce weight. Every thing will be normal within an year.
Thanks and regards.