What Do These Following Scan Reports Indicate?
mCi. Stress dose 30 mCi. This is a two day protocol. Injection of
Lexiscan did not cause any chest pain. No diagnostic
electrocardiographic abnormalities noted. Raw data shows significant
anterior soft tissue attenuation artifact due to morbid obesity.
Perfusion scan shows a small apical area of decrease uptake which is
more in stress compared to rest suggestive of a small apical infarction
with a small area of ischemia. Gated scan shows ejection fraction of
1. Small apical infarction with small area of ischemia.
2. Significant attenuation artifacts in setting of morbid obesity.
3. Normal ejection fraction of 69%.
Following advice
Detailed Answer:
Hi and thank you for asking!
I read your query and understood your concerns.
After reviewing the reports I would like to say that the results show small apical infarction area, with small ischaemia area around it.
This finding is a sign of myocardial damage and is related to atherosclerosis and morbid obesity.
What's the most important data is that overall EF is preserved ( a good EF of 69%) and this is a good prognosis for his disease.
If you were my patients I would recommend to go for angiography for proper evaluation and management of your coronary problems. This will help in findings the exact numbers and location of coronary arteries. What's most important it will define the best way to deal with the blockages (angioplasty with stending vs bypass surgery).
Hope this will be of help!
Wish you health!
Dr. Shehu