What Do These Heart Rate Of 54 And BP Reading Of 98/63 Indicate?
Close monitoring of heart rate and blood pressure require.
Detailed Answer:
Hi Mr. XXXX,
Thanks for your question.
I can understand your concern.
Your heart rate of 54 and blood pressure of 98/63 are lower but can be considered in acceptable limits.
But taking your age in to consideration further drop in blood pressure and heart rate is not acceptable.
It is advisable to monitor your heart rate and blood pressure closely.
Issue need to be discussed with your treating doctor.
There may be need to decrease the dose or to stop metoprolol or madiplot after discussing with your doctor.
Your mentioned blood sugar levels are fairly under control but it is advisable to monitor HbA1c level.
Hope I have answered your question.
I will be happy to answer your follow up questions, if any.
Otherwise close the question and rate the answer.
Dr. Abhay Mali.
Blood pressure more than 100/60 and heart rate more than 60
Detailed Answer:
Hi Mr. XXXX,
Thanks for your follow up question.
Taking in to consideration of age and diabetic status your target should be
Blood pressure
- Systolic 100 to 140.
- Diastolic 60 to 80
Heart rate 60 to 100.
Hope I have answered your question.
Close the question and rate the answer.
Dr. Abhay Mali.