What Do Wart Like Growths Near The Genitals Indicate?
Is it possible to provide an image for review?
Detailed Answer:
The description seems suggestive of a possible wart caused by a virus known as HPV. To be sure about this, I will suggest that you upload an image for review. This way, I can provide a personalized and helpful repose after reviewing this image. If it is not possible to upload an image, then getting this reviewed even just by your primary care doctor would be helpful.
To upload an image, simply click on the link to upload a new file and follow the instructions. If this proves difficult, please send the image by mail to YYYY@YYYY and request that the image should be uploaded to your query.
I do promise to get back to you with more insights and helpful recommendations as soon as the requested information gets here.
HPV is human papilloma Virus!
Detailed Answer:
In all honesty, I cannot adequately help in proposing the specific diagnosis of a growth that I have not seen. That is the reason why i kindly requested for an image for review.
I can definitely provide amor insights to you but that requires that you provide an image for review. Kindly look at the instructions stated above to upload an image to me.
Is there anyway to get rid of the warts.
What I read is it comes from intercourse. Since I have not been active sexually for year, can the virus lay dormant. Years ago, I had cervical cancer jus before the cancer metastized. I had a complete hysterectomy, and now take hormones every day.
Is there any way to get rid of the warts?
Answers will be greatly appreciated.
With more details, you need to get this evaluated.
Detailed Answer:
HPV is the number one culprit for cervical cancer. If you had been treated for this and now have warts, they are most likely related. I will not want to see you treating this all by yourself without a comprehensive evaluation. Yes, the virus can stay dormant for long only to resurface later.
If you insist on getting this treated all by yourself, something i totally advise against, you may want to use podophylline for this.
I wish you well.