Can Agent Orange Cause Arthritis?
I have contacted the VA and they have provided no repose at this point.
I just had xrays completed for pain in both my elbow tips and I am told that these are bone spurs if this helps. Any solution for that?
Thank you for any help you can provide.
Arthritis is not recognized as associated to exposure with agent orange!
Detailed Answer:
I have reviewed you information fully. Among the list of diseases established to be related to exposure to agent orange, arthritis isn’t one of them. Arthritis in your case may be related to age. However, further testing to eliminate other causes such as inflammatory joint diseases and rheumatoid arthritis is necessary.
Treatment is generally with pain medications. If pain is severe r use of joints becomes limited, surgery is considered as a possible solution.
In all, not caused by agent orange. Pain medications for control and surgery if medications fail to address problem.
I hope this helps and guides. I wish you well. Feel free to follow up with me if need be.