Brief Answer:
Do not worry
Detailed Answer:
Hello and welcome to HCM,
I understand your concern and also it stems from the fact that you have already had lost one baby.
The first issue that I must clarify is about your previous pregnancy loss:
You mention that it was due to cervical incompetance. It means that the cervix was not strong enough to stay closed until 9 months and opened up early. Hence the baby could not remain inside and was lost. This does not have anything to do with the placenta. So these are unrelated.
Now about the grade 2 maturity:
The placenta is displaying advanced maturity as compared to what is expected at this gestation. A grade 1 placenta is expected till about 30 weeks or atleast till 25 weeks. This means that the placenta is more aged as compared to the pregnancy. This is found in many conditions in pregnancy. The first thing that needs to be ruled out is weather it was a false positive report. This is a possibility as
ultrasound is a subjective investigation and 2 different people may have different opinions. So get a reevaluation form a different
radiologist preferably MD radiology.
Other causes of grade 2 may be impending IUGR or fetal growth restriction. Here the nutrient supply to the baby may decrease if the placenta continues to age further. As the placenta ages calcium deposition begins in it and interferes with transfer of nutrients from mother to the baby. This is more so if it is a grade 3 placenta when the nutrient depletion begins.
complications of pregnancy like
diabetes, increased blood pressure in pregnancy [ preeclampsia],
oligohydramnios [ decreased amniotic fluid], antiphospholipid antibody etc may also show a placenta that is more mature.
Having said all this the best way to know if blood is flowing properly from the placenta is by a doppler study. It must be done beyond 24 weeks as before 24 weeks the interpretations may not be proper. The blood supply to the baby is visible by doppler and gives an idea if the baby is compromised. Other things that need evaluation and help in making a call are babies growth and weight as well as amount of amniotic fluid. If these are Ok, there is no need to worry.
My advice for you as of now is :
1. You have lost a baby due to incomeptant os. So I want to know if a cervical stitch has been applied this time. It helps in preventing
preterm labor and helps continuation of pregnancy.
2. There are no drugs to improve placental aging. However you may try the following measures to aid fetal growth. Get good antenatal care and regular blood pressure examination. Lie on the left side as much as possible to improve blood supply to the baby. Drink plenty of fluids to maintain hydration. Relax and have faith in your doctor and yourself. Stress is not good for the baby. Maintain proper nutrition and have atleast 3 meals a day. Tablets like
aspirin low dose help to improve fetal blood supply and can be taken after consulting your gynecologist. Alamine forte provides essential nutrients and can be taken twice a day. Protein powder [ mothers horlicks works best] 2 table spoon with milk twice a day help.
3. Get a repeat ultrasound after 2 weeks to check for fetal growth, if it is growing properly, do not worry. Get a doppler after 24 weeks preferably 28 weeks if growth is ok in the serial ultrasound scan.
Continue your medicines and you will be alright. Please do not worry as many times it remains grade 2 till 39 weeks. So it does not mean that a grade 2 report indicates a compromised baby.
Hope this satisfies your query.
Thanks for using HCM.
Feel free to ask any more questions that you may have. I am always here to help.
Dr Madhuri Bagde
Consultant Obstetrician and Gynecologist