What Does Bleeding During 5 Weeks Of Pregnancy Suggest?
I am 5weeks 5 days pregnant. This is my first time to be a mum. I been bleeding last night (bright red blood and a bit of brownish not much and I don't feel any pain). I went straight to emergency hospital and been suggested to do an ultrasound today. They only did the blood test and gave me panadol tablets. But the nurse hasn't tell me any specific details about my baby whether I am miscarriage or not. I am still put my hope on this and I am really confused. Look forward to hear advise from you Dr.
Also I did hear about some tablets could support pregnancy and prevent bleeding please give me advise if I could take them.
Sincerely , XXXXXXX
threatened abortion
Detailed Answer:
If your pregnancy was confirmed and you experienced a bleeding per vaginum, then this is termed a s threatened abortion and you should have undergone a transvaginal ultrasound to check for foetal viability and to look for intrauterine gestational sac, its shape, foetal pole, yolk sac and if there is any heart beat as yet, ant retroplacental clots du to bleeding, any empty sac/ an embryonic gestation or if there is an ectopic pregnancy.
Ideally all this information would be required , so get the ultrasound today asap. you may be prescribed micronised progesterone tablets 200mg/ 300mg SR vaginally or orally was pregnancy support and also you need to be on bed rest till bleeding completely stops.
Please review with USG reports.