What Does Blood Discharge From The Penis Before Urination Indicate?
Consider doing a urine analyse.
Detailed Answer:
Thank you for using Healthcaremagic to post your health query.
I read carefully your question and I understand your concern.
It is very rare in a male to urinate blood.
If that happens it can either be cancer, a urinary tract infection or kidney stones.
In either case, other symptoms will be accompanying the problem.
As the first step I would recommend doing a urine analyse to check even microscopically if the pinkish color you have seen is because of blood. It will also check for other things in the urine like proteins, white blood cells, ect.
Meanwhile, drink plenty of fluids.
Feel free to follow up with me if you want when you get the result of the urine analyse.
Hope this is helpful.
Let me know if you need more clarifications.
Looking forward to your follow up question.
Dr. Papaqako
I remembered I was examining the tip of my penis exposing the inside of the opening. Is it posible I caused an irritation?
The dr. Also examined the tip yesterday and the first few drops peeing are XXXXXXX color more often after that.
Not much possible because it is lasting for longer then it should.
Detailed Answer:
Thank you for the follow up question.
It can be you have irritated it, but the irritation would be on the outside and you would see the irritated part, so it is less likely.
Also, if it was just a physical damage, the bleeding would be just once or twice but not continue for so many days.
A urine culture would be able to rule out just the urine infection.
You will need to rule out the other diagnoses too.
Kind regards,
Dr. Papaqako
I feel it was an internal irritation.
Could it still be another problem?
Most probably it won't repeat anymore. But if yes, keep in mind to follow it up.
Detailed Answer:
Thank you for the update on the result of your lab tests.
I would say that if the bleeding restarts again, consider seeing your doctor again for a detailed evaluation.
Otherwise, I would not worry about it, since it is most probably just the irritation that you feared it may be.
Hope that makes sense and reassures you.
Dr. Papaqako