What Does Chest X-ray Report Indicate?
No need to worry much for this x ray report.
Detailed Answer:
Hello dear, thanks for your question on HCM.
The x ray reporting of your mother is normal.
No need to worry much for this.
Prominent bronchovascular markings ( BVM ) can be the normal finding in chest x ray.
It is common in old age people.
It is more common in lower zones of lung.
It is due to gravity dependent increased blood flow in lower lobe vessels.
So these vessels carry more blood and appears more prominent on chest x ray.
It can be also seen in
1. Expiratory films. If x ray is taken in expiratory phase then BVM can be prominent.
2. Bronchitis.
So if your mother is asymptomatic then no need to worry for this x ray report.
And if she is symptomatic then tell me her symptoms, so that I can guide you better.
I will be happy to help you further.
Wishing good health to your mother.