Sir/Madam I am 26 yr female, having intractable cough since 2 wk which trouble my study. I have no sputum, no fever but my Mountox test 17 mm, ESR 38, CxR 9-10mm hilar lymphadenopathy. CBC normal, Sputum AFB normal, sputum for gene expert TB is normal. No feature of GERD. While in my room I am bit better but when I went for work my cough exaggerated and trouble much. Winter season is going on. I took antihelminthic drug 4mth back. drugs like fexofenadine, codeine etc doesn't work. Chest auscultation is normal. Currently having low dose COC pills. IT seems that I just have repeated ciugh with no reason. My doctors are not able to establish diagnosis and I am treated for no reason and my cough doesn't subside. Please help me out. Thank you