What Does Fluid Accumulation In Extremities And Abdomen Indicate?
Needs work up and clinical correlation
Detailed Answer:
Thank you for asking
I read your question and i understand your concern. How ever the presentation is a bit general and it could implicate many possibilities. For example with fluids in extremities and abdomen first thing that comes to mind is edema and ascites. Now to measure that we need to have a simple ultrasound and some blood works to measure proteins and other liver and renal functions.
feeling of warmth might be hormonal or it could be metabolic. Only work up and clinical correlation will sort out.
If the labs have been clear recently then a functional bowel disorder like IBS can present these fullness and fluid filled manifestations.
It would also need to run cardiac functions like perfusion and echo to rule out any cardiac function compromise but that usually is accompanied by pulmonary functions compromise like air hunger or bluish discoloration.
Other last but not the least manifestation could be a psychological as sometimes thinking too much overwhelm the thought process and cloud the judgement and my give the hallucination of illness.
Nut shell, it needs some labs and work up to comment any further to connect the dots and manage better.
You should seek a doctor and let them follow your symptoms and see where it leads them.
I hope it helps. take good care of yourself and dont forget to close the discussion please.