What Does Fullness In The Right Kidney Mean?
several possibilities
Detailed Answer:
Hello and thanks for your question.
Fullness is a bit of a vague term. It may mean that the kidney is slightly enlarged. It could also mean that there is something called hydronephrosis. Hydronephrosis is when the center of the kidney called the medulla is enlarged. This happens sometimes when there have been blockages and it puts pressure back into the collecting ducts where they drain into the middle (medulla) of the kidney.
It would be a good idea to have your doctor call the radiologist that did the ultrasound and have them explain to the doctor exactly what they mean by fullness. Then your doctor can explain it to you exactly.
In any case, if there are no stones, no current blockages or no signs of infection and your blood kidney tests (BUN and creatinine) are normal then it does not sound like a serious problem.
Dr. Robinson