Brief Answer:
Problem is most likely due to kidney disease.
Detailed Answer:
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You have multiple organ involvement.
Liver and spleen is enlarged with grade 1 fatty changes in liver.
Fatty liver is due to deposition of fat within the liver cells.Fatty liver is reversible condition can be managed with diet,life style modification and medicines.
Main problem is due to involvement of kidneys which suggests renal parenchymal disease.Further confirmation can be done by Renal profile test which includes blood urea,
creatinine,BUN.GFR should also be assessed.Further investigations can be done if needed.
There is also minimal fluid in abdominal cavity and fluid in right
pleural cavity.Minimal fluid is also noted around pancreas.
This multisystem involvement should be correlated and treatment can be done accordingly.
You also need few more investigations like routine hemogram,RBS,LFT,
Lipid profile,Urine RE/ME.
You should consult your physician with the reports.Problem is most likely due to kidney involvement,so
urologist opinion should also be taken.
Get well soon
Hope i have answered your query.
Further queries are most welcome.
Take Care