Posted on
Tue, 29 Apr 2014
Question: My dad had the surgery for
Colon cancer today .
The ct report stated loss of fat plane with increased contact between
kidney and
tumor.-t4. The dr said may require kudney removal . However kidney not removed but slightly cut from
Bottom and sent to pathology.
He said the Tumor was very close to kidney .
So what does this mean ? Has cancer got in the kidney ?
Brief Answer:
Detailed below.
Detailed Answer:
Thank you for the query.
Cancer is build of mutated cells. This cells are out of control so the immune system can not affect this cells (can not give a signal to stop growing). This cells only aim is to multiply. When multiplying, this mutated cells replace regular, healthy cells (of
colon cancer in this case). If the cancer stays long enough in the body, it starts to replacing not only main organ cells (large intestine), but also fatty tissue and other organs.
In your dads case, the cancer has crossed large intestine, affected fatty tissue and reached some part of
kidney. So we have a situation where mutated colon cells destroyed regular kidney cells and replaced them.
So in conclusion, the cancer has reached a part of kidney.
Hope this sounds clear. Feel free to ask further questions.
Follow up: Dr. Grzegorz Stanko
(9 hours later)
So why did they not remove whole
kidney then?
Brief Answer:
Detailed Answer:
Its hard to tell not seeing exactly how it looked inside. Generally if the cancer affected only a small part of
kidney, leaving the rest is acceptable. Please remember that kidneys are very important (for sure they have checked
creatinine level before the surgery). So leaving both kidneys gives more chances to get back to good condition and to survive chemo.
Follow up: Dr. Grzegorz Stanko
(3 minutes later)
Yea they chevked
kidney function it was fine.
But does this mean kidney has been invaded?
Brief Answer:
Detailed Answer:
It means that
kidney was infiltrated by the cancer. Try to imagine a cake (its our kidney) from which someone has taken a bite (the cancer). You can cut the bitten part out, and the rest of the cake is still good. The cancer has not spread to many areas of the kidney. It only affected one area.
Hope this sounds understandable.
Follow up: Dr. Grzegorz Stanko
(1 hour later)
I see. What stage approx would this
tumor b then?
What does it mean on the report regarding the
lymph nodes?
Brief Answer:
Detailed Answer:
Staging of this cancer can be established after histopathological report. With the
lymph nodes were removed.
If there wont be no metastases in any lymph node than the stage is II (T4 N0 M0).
If there will be any metastases in lymph nodes the stage will be III (T4 N1-2 M0). If there will be any metastases in lungs,
liver, the stage will be IV (T4 N0-1-2 M1).
Follow up: Dr. Grzegorz Stanko
(22 minutes later)
If a t4
tumor does it have more chance that some cancer cells could have sneaked out and are floating around in the body? That is why after ppl get mets right in
liver etc?
Brief Answer:
Detailed Answer:
Yes, T4 gives more chances for metastases.
Tumor size and range simply tells for how long the cancer has been present before it has gotten detected (longer it stays undetected, larger it becomes).
But it is not always so obvious. Please note that this kind of tumor gives metastases to regional
lymph nodes first.
Liver is second. So if there wont be no metastases in the lymph nodes, possibility of liver metastases is very low.
Follow up: Dr. Grzegorz Stanko
(9 minutes later)
I thibk there is nodes affected . Plz see attached ct report. Wat u think?
So now
tumor taken out via surgery , there could still become mets in
liver etc at anytime?
Brief Answer:
Detailed Answer:
I can not see any attachments. If you have problems with attaching the report, please send it to YYYY@YYYY and mark it for query id 102420.
Yes, it is possible that single cells has spread to the
liver. That is why, after surgery he will get a chemo. This should eliminate this single cancer cells. And after the chemo, PET should be performed to detect such microscopic metastases.
Follow up: Dr. Grzegorz Stanko
(4 minutes later)
Report- please see comnent on nodes.
What u think from this report ?
Brief Answer:
Detailed Answer:
Yes, this clearly indicates enlarged
lymph nodes. So for 90% he is stage III.
But what is unclear for me is that the diagnosis was made in December and instead of surgery he was waiting for another CT? That s strange.
Follow up: Dr. Grzegorz Stanko
(9 hours later)
Well there def was a delay in the doctors part. He had a consultation in XXXXXXX and they said cuz no spread etc n
Slow growing suegery will be march 6. We were not happy as too late but agreed believing the dr.
Then they forwarded it to 26 feb but got cancelled as had a
cough and finally took place 26 march.
Is prognosis good for stsge 3?
So u def think some cancer in
lymph nodes too? But they will have removed nodes right?
Brief Answer:
Detailed Answer:
The 5 year survival in stage III (stage IIIC precisely) is around 40%. It means that 40% of all IIIC patients will get cured permanently.
If the
lymph nodes are enlarged in the CT, for 99% there are metastases inside. Yes, they had to remove most of lymph nodes. Especially those close to the large blood vessels and
Follow up: Dr. Grzegorz Stanko
(34 minutes later)
40 percent is low right? Is this with chemo?
Brief Answer:
Detailed Answer:
Its not low or high. Its somewhere between. Yes, its after whole treatment including chemo.
Here is what should be done after a surgery and chemo:
- CEA level checked every 3 months
- chest and abdominal CT every 12 months in first 3 years post surgery
- full
colonoscopy after 3 years post surgery
Please also insist for him to have PET done after chemo. If the
tumor was obstructing the intestine so the full colonoscopy could not be done before surgery, this should be also done after a surgery.
Follow up: Dr. Grzegorz Stanko
(46 minutes later)
Ok thanks for that . For stage iiia and iiib its higher hey?
Do u think
Lymph nodes may not b affected in which case it would be a stage 2?
Brief Answer:
Detailed Answer:
for IIIA its around 70%
for IIIB its 40-50%
I wish I could give you some more optimistic news about
lymph nodes. But according to many
colon cancer I have seen, most of them had affected lymph nodes and almost all of cases where in CT lymph nodes were enlarged, turned to be metastatic lymph nodes. So its really low chance that this lymph nodes seen in CT are not affected.
What is promising, colon cancer belong to those cancers where general prognosis are good. It has positive responses for chemo. And even if single metastases appear in the
liver or lungs, they can be removed. So you and your dad should not give up as there is a great chance that he will be fine.
Follow up: Dr. Grzegorz Stanko
(53 minutes later)
U been really helpful . And if mets do
Not appear in lung or
Liver then thats even great news right?
Yea ur right mostly nodes are affected.
But then wouldnt ct say enlarged
lymph nodes? This only says fat stranding small volume nodes noted ?
Brief Answer:
Detailed Answer:
Yes, lack of
liver and lungs mets would be great news. Generally when nodes are not affected, they do not mention about them in CT. Such nodes are mostly invisible in the CT. If they have mentioned that some nodes are noted, it means that this nodes are enlarged.
But it is better to wait for histopathology result. Only then we can be sure of that.
Follow up: Dr. Grzegorz Stanko
(4 minutes later)
Ok . Thing is in
dec it was. T3 they saw no rush to
Do syrgery and then following another ct it went to a t4 in spece if 2,5 months .
The surgeon shoulf have operated sooner
Would this def be a t4?
Worrying too much hey
Brief Answer:
Detailed Answer:
Waiting 2,5 months is a huge mistake. This should not happen. It could be T3 in that time, but it could be T4 as well.
He is T4 now for sure. The only uncertain thing is if its T4a (no other organs invasion) or T4b (other organs invasion). But this does not change much.
Follow up: Dr. Grzegorz Stanko
(27 minutes later)
The dr in XXXXXXX said oh dont worry it is slow growing n no spread. Even though at that time
tumor was close to
Wud it still be t4 if no kidney invasion?
Brief Answer:
Detailed Answer:
Yes, even without
kidney invasion, its still T4 (T4A precisely). In the moment when the cancer infiltrates whole intestine wall and reaches fatty tissue outside the intestine, its T4.
Follow up: Dr. Grzegorz Stanko
(10 hours later)
My dad had suegery wednesdsy but getting lot vomitting and not opened bowels . Is this concerning ?
Brief Answer:
Detailed Answer:
Yes, this may indicate an obstruction due to narrow intestinal junction. In the first few days (it takes usually 3-5 days) intestines do not work due its irritation during the surgery. But this is usually temporal. During that time, patients do not get anything to eat, just drips. This allows to avoid
If he did get his first meal recently, and started to vomiting, there is no gas and no stool passing at all, his abdomen is bloated, he may have an obstruction. And it may need to operated once again.
Follow up: Dr. Grzegorz Stanko
(51 minutes later)
My dad had surgery wed. He getting lot of vomitting especially today. Plus his voice sounds diffetent,?
Brief Answer:
Detailed Answer:
Please see the answer above. Voice change is due to vomiting. Lots of vomiting causes
throat inflammation and can cause voice change (
hoarseness). He should have tube inserted to the stomach and have
abdominal X-ray to see if there is an obstruction or not.
Follow up: Dr. Grzegorz Stanko
(13 hours later)
The doctors just felt abdomen, stoma etc and said he does not have
ileus or obstruction . But is an xray still needed?
Brief Answer:
Detailed Answer:
Its hard to tell not seeing the patient. If the doctors have checked the abdomen and it is soft in touch (not distended, bloated etc), it does not have to be an obstruction/
It is always a hard decision, so waiting and seeing if it will go away or get worse is the best way (it is still very early post surgery). He is in the hospital, so he is safe.
So if doctors have said that no X-ray is necessary, than you should trust them.
Just wait a day or two and see if he is improving or not. If not, than you should force them to perform an X-ray.
Follow up: Dr. Grzegorz Stanko
(1 minute later)
Ok thank you.
Brief Answer:
Detailed Answer:
You are welcome.
Follow up: Dr. Grzegorz Stanko
(1 minute later)
How long do parhology results take? The less
lymph nodes involved the better right?
Brief Answer:
Detailed Answer:
Pathology result takes usually two weeks. Yes, less
lymph nodes involved is better.
We get different Nodes stage:
N1a Metastasis in 1 regional lymph node
N1b Metastasis in 2-3 regional lymph nodes
N2 Metastasis in 4 or more lymph nodes
N2a Metastasis in 4-6 regional lymph nodes
N2b Metastasis in 7 or more regional lymph nodes
Depending of the amount of lymph nodes he may be IIIB (T4AN1M0) or IIIC(T4AN2BM0).
Follow up: Dr. Grzegorz Stanko
(3 hours later)
Well at the mdt meeting , i saw on their notes it had stated n1.
Also getting lot of fluid in stoma - very loose stools . So will put him on a drip now . Is this anything to worry?
Brief Answer:
Detailed Answer:
This is very normal thing. As the stoma is most likely made on
small intestine, the stool is liquid and in there is a lot of it. After some time (few months), intestines should get use to new situation and the stool should get less watery.
So nothing to worry. Good news is that the stool has appeared.
Follow up: Dr. Grzegorz Stanko
(2 hours later)
From stools only liquid coming out ?
Plus he seems little confussed at times after surgery - what can
This be?
Brief Answer:
Detailed Answer:
Water is absorbed in the large intestine. So if stool does not reach large intestine, it is watery.
Small intestine stoma stool is always watery and in large amounts (like few liters a day).
Being confused can be caused by
dehydration, ions deficiency, inflammation. It is hard to give exact reason in his case not being able to see any blood work results etc. For sure he looses lots of fluids. If he is not hydrated with sufficient amount of drips, he may be confused. Low Sodium level can also give such symptom.
You may ask doctors to make blood work, CRP level and ions levels.
Follow up: Dr. Grzegorz Stanko
(3 minutes later)
They did all
Blood wofk which was normal . They did say could be due to
dehydration or mefications.
They have put him on fluid drip.
I wad just getting worried about it and also why water was coming out . There was about 3 litres today,
So this is all common then?
Brief Answer:
Detailed Answer:
Yes, this is normal thing. Even 5-7 liters can appear if he will start eating regular meals. This is how it works. Intestines needs to get use to it.
Dehydration seems most possible.
So nothing to worry about. With sufficient amount of drips his condition should improve.
Follow up: Dr. Grzegorz Stanko
(9 hours later)
We were worried that could he have a leak?
Brief Answer:
Detailed Answer:
It is not a leak. It is normal thing. Leak could be suspected if there would be no stool coming out and the abdomen would get large, painful,
fever would appear. But with stoma, leak into abdominal cavity is hardly possible.
Follow up: Dr. Grzegorz Stanko
(4 minutes later)
I visited today and apparantly dark
Colour fluid just coming out , no actual stools and he getting alot of pain since last night around the andomen n surgical site that he cant even
Cough , but no
fever n blood work
Vomitting stoppef but hes hardly able to eat much
Its been 5 days post surgery,,
Brief Answer:
Detailed Answer:
5 days is usually when we give some fluids to drink and first small meal can be tried. Please do not expect your father to have great appetite. It needs to take some time before everything will start to work.
Lack of
vomiting and
fever are good signs. Pain and inability to
cough is also quite normal so early after surgery. So please try to be patient and give him some time.
Follow up: Dr. Grzegorz Stanko
(37 minutes later)
Ok thanks . He has had a
cough for ages now even before surgery.last ct of lung was done january snd chest xray feb, could cougjh be sign of lungmets?
Brief Answer:
Detailed Answer:
I do not think so.
Cough is rather a result of staying in bed for a long time. This causes mucus accumulation. That is why it is very important to get off bed as son as possible to prevent lungs infection.
Lungs mets are also ruled out with CT. If any will appear, it will takes few years.
Follow up: Dr. Grzegorz Stanko
(5 minutes later)
Thx so much i really appreciate your help.
You prob think im worrying lot and thinking too much. So
liver abdomen pelvis scans done feb so no need to ask again yet right?
And the pain around wound and abdomen normal right?
Brief Answer:
Detailed Answer:
I understand your concern.
Mets grow slowly. So no need to repeat them right now. What he needs now is a quick histopathology report and chemo as soon as possible. After chemo PET (instead of CT) would be better. PET is able to detect microscopic metastases.
Pain around the wound and
abdominal pain are very common symptoms and there is nothing surprising in that.
Follow up: Dr. Grzegorz Stanko
(3 minutes later)
The fact he tends to get bit confussed at times should we get them to investigate that?
He be able to toletate chemo after such big surger y?
What if he refused it!
Brief Answer:
Detailed Answer:
His confuse is due to
dehydration. So no need to investigate that. Like I have said before, he needs some time to stabilize.
Yes, he should tolerate chemo. Most of
colon cancer patients have large surgeries. And most of them have chemo.
So do not think about refusing it. All depends of the histopathology report.
Follow up: Dr. Grzegorz Stanko
(9 hours later)
Ok will contact you once receive report. Will ask dr if its available today
Brief Answer:
Detailed Answer:
Ok. Waiting for the report.
Follow up: Dr. Grzegorz Stanko
(5 hours later)
Can i just ask- what things do they examine at histopathogy?
Brief Answer:
Detailed Answer:
The main aim is to establish pTNM staging. To do that they examine:
T -
tumor range in relation to intestine layers (how deep in the intestine wall it penetrates and if it gets outside the intestine to the fatty tissues),
N -
lymph nodes (they find all lymph nodes in the tissues they get from the surgeon, count them and check for cancer cells in every of them)
Follow up: Dr. Grzegorz Stanko
(20 hours later)
Blood tests were done again . White cell count etc normal inc pulse, bp etc but shows
In regards to
His confussion , he gets these sudden episodes where he says things which are not true, eg he thought he had other relatives come when
they didnt really, he thought hes been in hospital 2 weeks when only 1 week, he thought once some patients nr him are asian when they are not....
Should they do a brain scan?
Brief Answer:
Detailed Answer:
This episodes can be caused by
dehydration. Brain problems (like a
stroke) usually give
loss of consciousness, some part of body muscles weakness (like one arm, part of face, part of tongue), vision problems.
However every surgery increases the risk of stroke. That is why he should have heparine injections once a day.
I do not think head CT is necessary. better idea is to
consult neurologist first. If he will find some suspicious symptoms, can order head CT.
Follow up: Dr. Grzegorz Stanko
(4 minutes later)
Yea hes on herparin injection daily . Blood did reveal
dehydration . Plus had
morphine.just worried cuz laster for over a week.
Can dehydration cause confussion ?and morphine.
Brief Answer:
Detailed Answer:
Morphine is a common factor of confusion.
Dehydration also can cause it (due to lower blood pressure and lower brain blood circulation). Both morphine and dehydration together almost guarantee some kind of confusion.
Follow up: Dr. Grzegorz Stanko
(9 hours later)
Thanks hopefully it will pass.
I will chase pathology report . Im very worried about that. Would he b ok to take the
chemotherapy pills?
Brief Answer:
Detailed Answer:
Its hard to tell. For sure, in current condition he wont get any chemo. He needs to get better first.
Chemotherapy pills are only for certain cancers. Generally the type of chemo is chosen individually depending of the histological type, stage and general condition.
Follow up: Dr. Grzegorz Stanko
(28 hours later)
Been 9 days post operation and my dads appetite is v poor he just does not feel like eating, is this normal?
Brief Answer:
Detailed Answer:
lack of appetite is a part of any cancer disease. But he needs and should start eating better, otherwise he wont improve.
Please discuss with his doctors
Megace intake. This should improve his appetite.
Follow up: Dr. Grzegorz Stanko
(2 minutes later)
Is this due to
The cancer or operation ? He was fine eating before the operation
Brief Answer:
Detailed Answer:
Yes, this is due to a surgery. It has changed a lot. He loses lots of fluids, he stays in the hospital (instead of home), he does not do any regular activities (which he was doing before the surgery) and he had a large
injury (which was the surgery itself).
He needs to get off the bed and try to deal with it. Otherwise he wont have any strength to eat and live.
Follow up: Dr. Grzegorz Stanko
(3 minutes later)
Yea ur right. Really need to get this sorted.
tumor removed can mets appear straight away? Im getting worried about mets now
Brief Answer:
Detailed Answer:
Usually it takes months or even years for mets to appear. So this should not be your concern right now. You can start thinking about them after chemo. It wont chance anything right now. Moreover we still do not have histopathology report and it is still possible mets wont ever appear.
Follow up: Dr. Grzegorz Stanko
(2 minutes later)
Yea true need to get his recovery sorted first . Its the food intake main issue n pain he getting.
Brief Answer:
Detailed Answer:
Please try Megace. It really helps in such cases. It may also help with moods/
depression like symptoms. Pain should be eased with
Vicodin or Tramadole with
Follow up: Dr. Grzegorz Stanko
(50 minutes later)
He does want to eat but now when eats he vomits or feels sick. Is this normal 1o days post surgery . Is he having wrong foods may be? He has rice, fish, potatoe etc
Brief Answer:
Detailed Answer:
No, this is not normal for sure. He should have no
vomiting at all 10 days after a surgery. So maybe it is time to check his intestines with barium swallow or at least with
abdominal X-ray.
How does his abdomen look like? Is it bloated, distended, larger than regular? Is there stool coming out through stoma?
Follow up: Dr. Grzegorz Stanko
(3 minutes later)
Stool coming out now through stoma. Pain alot near wound etc and nurse said feels bit tender but dr did not think its a leak.
They will abdominal xray tomorrow.he also tends to feel food getting stuck in throat , then kind of comes up and vomits, 3 days hardly eaten anything
Brief Answer:
Detailed Answer:
Leak is rather hardly possible. Bowels obstruction is what can give such symptoms. X-ray and barium swallow will answer if there is any obstruction or not.
Follow up: Dr. Grzegorz Stanko
(2 minutes later)
Ok. But stool is passing now . Is this something worrying u think?
Brief Answer:
Detailed Answer:
If obstruction will be confirmed, another surgery might be necessary. Stool can be present, but there can be some narrow area (due to adhesions) where stool is occasionally blocked. This usually gives periods where there is no stool,
vomiting appears and some cramps. After such period, stool usually appears and all symptoms are gone.
For sure he should eat normally right now. So this needs to be checked.
Follow up: Dr. Grzegorz Stanko
(3 minutes later)
They gave bit more
morphine as liquid since past three days, could it be side effect of that ?
Brief Answer:
Detailed Answer:
He should be off the
morphine right now. 10 days is enough for the pain to go away. If they need to increase the dosage, something must be happening. But yes, morphine can cause
constipation and
vomiting. So it can be a side effect of morphine.
The things which needs to be verified are:
- blood work, CRP checked (elevated WBC and CRP can indicate infection either in the lungs or abdomen)
- ions levels (sodium and potassium)
- abdominal
ultrasound (to see if there is any fluid collection in the abdomen)
abdominal X-ray (to rule out obstruction)
- if he has fever and cough, chest X-ray should be also done
Please try to suggest his doctor this tests.
Follow up: Dr. Grzegorz Stanko
(5 minutes later)
Chest xray was done week ago so they say wouldnt do again, haemaglobin is 10,
wbc is 12. The abdomen xray hopefully done tomorrow.
Brief Answer:
Detailed Answer:
WBC 12 is elevated, but not very high. Should be compared to the results done few days ago.
Hemoglobin is quite low. Not as low to make an transfusion, but this should be under control (checked again tomorrow to see if it is not lowering).
Follow up: Dr. Grzegorz Stanko
(49 minutes later)
Also what i have noticed is he getting a lot of phlegm out? Will do abdomen xray and request chest.
wbc of 12 indicate an infection
Brief Answer:
Detailed Answer:
Phlegm is a normal thing. Due to staying in bed, some
dehydration, the mucus in the lungs is thicker than regular. He needs to perform lungs exercises and
cough out this phlegm to prevent lungs infections.
WBC 12 indicates an infection for sure. But it can be just a
wound infection (which is quite often). CRP should be checked to verify this. It is more sensitive inflammation marker than WBC.
Follow up: Dr. Grzegorz Stanko
(6 minutes later)
Crp is fine. Yes he had slight infection in wound but they are not worried .
Hopefully abdomen scan will assist cuz he def needs to eat to build his energy,
Can i ask- if report states small volume
lymph nodes keeping in line with
tumor. Does small volume mean small
Size or less quantity ? Very worried re path report which will b available monday.
Brief Answer:
Detailed Answer:
Small volume means small size of visible
lymph nodes. This means mildly enlarged lymph nodes.
Follow up: Dr. Grzegorz Stanko
(6 minutes later)
If enlarged a little are they sure to have cancer in them?
Also there no wAy this
tumor woukd be a t3 right? As it was touching
kidney was it because it was near kidney n grew in that direction or cancer cells spread in the kidney
Brief Answer:
Detailed Answer:
Sometimes what is near the
tumor and is thought to be a part of it, occurs to be inflammation process associating the cancer. But this is rare. So in my opinion this is T4 for sure.
Like I have said before, not enlarged
lymph nodes are invisible in CT. If enlarged, mostly contain cancer cells. But this is not for sure. Pathologist will answer this questions.
Follow up: Dr. Grzegorz Stanko
(1 hour later)
My dad has lot of gas i think lots burping, hiccups, and food cuming back up,
nausea . I saw today.
What could this be?
Brief Answer:
Detailed Answer:
This is all due to some intestinal problems. Possible obstruction. What about abdominal X-ray?
Follow up: Dr. Grzegorz Stanko
(10 hours later)
tumor removed, there is still risk of mets gorming right at some point?
Do the cancer cells sneak out from the initial tumor in every persons body who had a tumor?
Brief Answer:
Detailed Answer:
Yes, there is always a risk of some cells being released to the blood stream from the
tumor. Longer the tumor stays in the body, higher the risk is. So it depends of the tumor size and its stage. But even large tumors can give no mets at all.
Follow up: Dr. Grzegorz Stanko
(4 minutes later)
I think
tumor was 3.5 cm. would it b seen at surgery if cells are in blood vessels too?
Brief Answer:
Detailed Answer:
No. Mets come from single cells. This cells can be seen only under microscope. Thats the main problem that we can not remove single cells.
Follow up: Dr. Grzegorz Stanko
(3 minutes later)
So how would these single cells get detected ?
Brief Answer:
Detailed Answer:
With PET test. This needs to be done after chemo.
Follow up: Dr. Grzegorz Stanko
(23 minutes later)
Oh ok. So the aim of chemo wud b to kill any of these cells lurking around if any,
Its like a 50 50 right. Some ppl mave have cells come out the
primary tumor n some may not? Or does everyone?
Brief Answer:
Detailed Answer:
Yes, exactly. Not every person have mets. That is why we are waiting for pathologist report. Staging will determine the chances of mets and the need of chemo.
Follow up: Dr. Grzegorz Stanko
(3 minutes later)
Up until 26 feb which was last scan , there were no mets. The abdominal xray done yest is clear - no obstruction . But hes a little dehydrated .
Can abdominal xray detect
liver mets?
Brief Answer:
Detailed Answer:
Lack of obstruction is a good sign.
Abdominal x-ray wont detect any mets in the
liver or lungs. It can sometimes accidentaly detect bones mets.
Follow up: Dr. Grzegorz Stanko
(5 minutes later)
So as ct was done in feb we should not ask for another just yet?
But my dad is still veru gassy and bloated. What could
This be?
Brief Answer:
Detailed Answer:
I dont think another CT will change anything right now. The report from pathologist will. He needs to be consulted by an
oncologist and chemo should be given. Sometimes oncologist want another CT before chemo. But this also depends of the report.
bloating can be caused by
morphine intake which should not be given so late after the surgery. Also lack of intestinal bacteria can give such symptoms.
Probiotic should be given.
Follow up: Dr. Grzegorz Stanko
(2 minutes later)
Ok should have report soon.
Will try
Brief Answer:
Detailed Answer:
You may also try Metoclopramidum or Erythromicine. This medicines should increase stomach emptying. Can also increase
diarrhea problems so should be discussed with his doctors.
Follow up: Dr. Grzegorz Stanko
(12 minutes later)
I have the repory result over rhe phone . Dukes c1?
Brief Answer:
Detailed Answer:
There is no C1 in Dukes classification. I think you meant Astler-Coller classification where C1 means T3 with affected
lymph nodes. It gives stage IIIB - around 50%
survival rate.
Of course if its really C1.