What Does Low Hemoglobin Level And Light Period Bleeding Indicate?
I am 37 female, smoker. I got my blood results due to a routine check and everything is in line except for my HGB is 11,3,HCT 34,2, MPV 7,1, PDW 11,5, PLCR 10,7.My PLT is 402 .Also my Iron level 134, Ferritin 92, B12 is 388 and Folic acid is 6. I have to say that I have a G6PD deficiency and my menstrual cycle the past 7 months is shorter (about 27 days than 32 that used to be).
What is the cause of my mild anemia and what should I do?
Please, upload the result sheets!
Detailed Answer:
Hi and thank you so much for this query.
Can you please upload these result sheet as provided by the laboratory with the reference range? This is because the range differs from one laboratory to another depending on the exact test utilized. I will like to factor this into a complete interpretation before making a conclusion and recommendations on what you need to do regarding this.
Grossly speaking, there is no reason to get too worried at this point. There is really no major cause for you to get very worried at this time. Let me know if you can get the results uploaded and if not, I will want to work with standard references that may not be the best to get back to you.
I look forward to exchanging ore with you on this.
Thank you Doctor!
Please, be relaxed about this!
Detailed Answer:
Hi and thanks for following up with me.
Reviewing the results and the information provided, there is no reason to get worried. Unless your numbers fall any lower, there is no need for you to get worried. Over the years, this has been your stable range and you have not shown any symptoms of anemia that should keep me concerned at this time. There are many other clients who have lower readings than you do.
You have no iron deficiency. Your B12 and folic related parameters are great. My recommendation is that you sit back, relaxed and tell yourself I am not one of the many alike out there but I am normal by my standards.
I wish you well and feel free to keep the discussion going on if need be.
Thanking you again,you were of great help and you made me relax.
No reason to worry!
Detailed Answer:
Hi d thanks for this follow up precision.
I have taken a look at these specific values again. My action and recommendation is that you should not get worried about this. These are specifics that only make sense to understand more when the main platelet number is not in the normal range. With these findings all put together, bother not for now.
Folic acid is available in more than sufficient amounts in green vegetables. If you consume them, there is no need for OTC supplements. MCV values of more than 100 indicate possible folic acid deficiency, this is clearly not applicable to you. There is no need for supplement at this point and it would make no difference.
Do nothing to raise your HGB. You have more important things to deal with rather than worrying about a normal you.
I wish you well. Feel free to keep the discussion going on if need be.