What Does My CT Scan Report Indicate?
Several factors at play.
Detailed Answer:
I read your question carefully and I understand your concern.
In order to discuss how to improve one must first identify the cause (or causes) for the weakness. Atherosclerotic plaques leading to diminished blood flow can limit walking distance but usually they manifest first with painful cramps with walking, not sure that is your case. Also at 50% it shouldn't really limit you, only if it has progressed over the following years. If that is the cause medical alternatives include either blood thinners or bypass surgery. I suppose you are already under blood thinners as they are given also when one has atrial fibrillation. As for surgery it has its own risks especially at your age. Anyway before even considering it, another imaging test would be necessary since the CT scan you mention is from 2009, almost 8 years.
If that narrowing of the artery has not progressed then other causes must be considered. If it is due to the insufficient work from your heart that must be addressed, edema is a common sign of advanced heart issues. If not taking enough oxygen due to COPD that should be addressed as well. What I am trying to say is that the issue may not lie in the limbs themselves but they are suffering secondarily from the many conditions you suffer from. It is hard to assess that without knowing much about the tests you've had, the stage of your heart and lungs issues.
I remain at your disposal for other questions.