What Does My MRI Scan Report Indicate?
1.Retromalleolar peroneal brevis and longus show new interstitial intermediate signal/tendinosis with mild tenosynovitis and mild attenuation of otherwise grossly intact superior peroneal retinaculum which shows minimal adjacent intermediate signal at the fibular attachment. Inframalleolar peroneal longus interstitial partial tear seen as abnormal subtle T2 signal and intermediate signal extends to the peroneal tubercle. Inframalleolar peroneal brevis appears attenuated to the fifth metatarsal attachment without full-thickness tendon rupture or additional significant tenosynovitis demonstrated. Distal peroneal longus tendon fibers maintained.
2. No acute high grade ligament injury. No XXXXXXX dome osteochondral defect. No acute fracture.
3.Additional tendons,sinus tarsi,plantar fascia, visualized neurovascular structures and soft tissure support structures at the ankle normal for patient's age
Please help as I'm tired of the pain
There is partial tear in peroneus longus tendon which needs attention
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for writing in to us.
I have read through your query in detail.
Peroneus muscles are present in the ankle region. There are two such muscles named peroneus longus and peroneus brevis (long and short). Injury can occur in one or both peroneus longus and brevis tendons and is typically classified as acute or chronic. I suppose your earlier surgery was on the peroneus brevis tendon. Please correct me if I am wrong.
Your MRI scan describes that there is a partial tear in one part of the peroneal longus muscle. It needs to be understood if this was present on earlier MRI scans or is a recent development. Tear of the peroneus longus at the level of the peroneal tubercle is unusual. Sometimes this tear might be related to the underlying bone surface and this could be leading to the partial tear.
Mild tenosyovitis and tendinosis is also noted in both peroneus longus and brevis tendons. Tenosynovitis is inflammation of the sheath covering the tendons and tendinosis is a chronic tendon injury that is damage to a tendon at a cellular level.
It is important to not that even after surgery on the ankle, continuation of symptoms, chronic lateral ankle pain, and restricted range of motion can cause a lot of distress in patients and complete recovery may require physical rehabilitation focusing on the area of distress.
I understand your pain and discomfort, however this needs to be discussed with your orthopedic surgeon. They might need to review the biomechanics at your ankle joint and deciding on definitive treatment
Hope this answers your question. Please feel free to correct any oversight in my interpretation of your problems and discuss them in detail as per your requirements.
Hope your query is answered.
Do write back if you have any doubts.