What Does My Blood Test Report Indicate?
nothing serious
Detailed Answer:
Hi and welcome to HCM
It would be good if you post if you have some symptoms or previous diseases.
First, AST and ALT values are just slightly above normal range and this is not indicating any disease,especially if bilirubin count is fine. With regards to this, you should repeat liver tests in 4 weeks and see if there will be some change. MCH of 36 is absolutely normal and if your red blood count and hemoglobin are fine then there is no fear of anemia or occult bleeding in your body.
On the other hand. Eosinophils of 757 is significanty elevated, but inmost cases this is just sign of some allergic reactions such as skin erytema, insect bite or plants allergies. Some more serious isseus such as Asthma, Autoimmune diseases or infectious diseases would be manifested with other symptoms such as breathing difficulties, joint pain or fever.
I suggest to do rheumatoid factor, ANA te antibodies and repeat eosinophiles in 2 weeks and then we can see if this will stabilizes or there is some objective underlying cause.
Wish you good health. Regards
Detailed Answer:
After some time, the rest of stomach and bowels may adapt to bypass surgery and then you may gain weight again.
Also, it is possible that weight gain happens due to fluid retention as can be seen in kidneys diseases.
Your allergies are an obvious cause of eosinophils elevation, but other findings are fine.
It would be good to do barium enema imaging of upper gastrointestinal tract. This will show us if there are some morphologic disorders of gastric bypass.
Wish you good health