What Does My Lab Test Reports Indicate?

Question: In the past two years I have visited nearly every type of ologist, to get diagnosis. PCP is under the impression that i have fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue. I was referred to a rheumatologist who was not happy with that diagnosis because it left to much of my lab results and symptoms unaddressed. From the work ups that have currently been done they have pretty much ruled out autoimmune issues, lyme disease, IBS, neurological issues, and I don't have any markers for any type of arthritis. I have no family history of those types of diseases. I do have a family history of breast cancer, colon cancer, female cancers, leukemia, diabetes, heart disease, and kidney cancer.
I have been experiencing severe fatigue, nearly daily low grade fevers, bone pain, petechiae, paleness, flakey skin, full body muscle tension and weakness, muscle spasms, tenderness to touch, bone pain, re-occuring UTIs and bronchitis, night sweats, abdominal pain, poor appetite, poor sleep, major weight fluxations; and chronic direareha for about 8 years. My symptoms continue to get worse and I am sort of being treated for the fibro and narcolepsy. However, the current treatment is not really helping. Given the lab results posted below and several mentionings by physicains other than my PCP is seems that I have the beginnings of kidney disease. Looking at the remaining counts that are abnormal and one previous smudge cell that came back moderatetly abnormal, the last thing that truly has not been ruled out is a chronic leukemia. I feel that at this point a full year after these more severe sympoms developed that I am getting brushed off and I am wondering if I really need to seek a second opinion in haste. I am concerned about renal failure and the possibility of leukemia. What would you advise?
137 mmol/L
Date: XXXXXXX 14, 2016 04:51 p.m. EST Reference Range:137 mmol/L - 145 mmol/L
3.2 mmol/L (Low)
Date: XXXXXXX 14, 2016 04:51 p.m. EST Reference Range:3.5 mmol/L - 5.1 mmol/L
99 mmol/L
Date: XXXXXXX 14, 2016 04:51 p.m. EST Reference Range:96 mmol/L - 107 mmol/L
26 mmol/L
Date: XXXXXXX 14, 2016 04:51 p.m. EST Reference Range:22 mmol/L - 30 mmol/L
Anion Gap
12 mmol/L
Date: XXXXXXX 14, 2016 04:51 p.m. EST Reference Range:5 mmol/L - 14 mmol/L
18 mg/dL
Date: XXXXXXX 14, 2016 04:51 p.m. EST Reference Range:7 mg/dL - 20 mg/dL
1.05 mg/dL (High)
Date: XXXXXXX 14, 2016 04:51 p.m. EST Reference Range:0.60 mg/dL - 1.00 mg/dL
Estimated GFR, Black Race
> 60 mL/min/1.73 m2
Date: XXXXXXX 14, 2016 04:51 p.m. EST Reference Range:> 60 mL/min/1.73 m2
Estimated GFR, non-Black Race
59 mL/min/1.73 m2 (Low)
Date: XXXXXXX 14, 2016 04:51 p.m. EST Reference Range:> 60 mL/min/1.73 m2
144 mg/dL (High)
Date: XXXXXXX 14, 2016 04:51 p.m. EST Reference Range:74 mg/dL - 106 mg/dL
9.5 mg/dL
Date: XXXXXXX 14, 2016 04:51 p.m. EST Reference Range:8.4 mg/dL - 10.2 mg/dL
10.65 K/uL (High)
Date: XXXXXXX 14, 2016 04:51 p.m. EST Reference Range:4.0 K/uL - 10.4 K/uL
13.2 g/dL
Date: XXXXXXX 14, 2016 04:51 p.m. EST Reference Range:11.7 g/dL - 15.0 g/dL
40.5 %
Date: XXXXXXX 14, 2016 04:51 p.m. EST Reference Range:35 % - 44 %
4.68 M/uL
Date: XXXXXXX 14, 2016 04:51 p.m. EST Reference Range:3.90 M/uL - 5.00 M/uL
86.5 fL
Date: XXXXXXX 14, 2016 04:51 p.m. EST Reference Range:81 fL - 96 fL
32.6 g/dL
Date: XXXXXXX 14, 2016 04:51 p.m. EST Reference Range:32 g/dL - 36 g/dL
28.2 pg
Date: XXXXXXX 14, 2016 04:51 p.m. EST Reference Range:28 pg - 33 pg
13.6 %
Date: XXXXXXX 14, 2016 04:51 p.m. EST Reference Range:11.5 % - 14.2 %
393 K/uL (High)
Date: XXXXXXX 14, 2016 04:51 p.m. EST Reference Range:150 K/uL - 350 K/uL
11.4 fL
Date: XXXXXXX 14, 2016 04:51 p.m. EST Reference Range:9.0 fL - 12.2 fL
Type of Diff:
Date: XXXXXXX 14, 2016 04:51 p.m. EST
Immature Gran%
0.2 %
Date: XXXXXXX 14, 2016 04:51 p.m. EST
46.9 %
Date: XXXXXXX 14, 2016 04:51 p.m. EST
41.6 %
Date: XXXXXXX 14, 2016 04:51 p.m. EST
7.9 %
Date: XXXXXXX 14, 2016 04:51 p.m. EST
0.5 %
Date: XXXXXXX 14, 2016 04:51 p.m. EST
2.9 %
Date: XXXXXXX 14, 2016 04:51 p.m. EST
Immat Gran, Abs
0.02 K/uL
Date: XXXXXXX 14, 2016 04:51 p.m. EST Reference Range:0 K/uL - 0.4 K/uL
Neut, Abs
5.00 K/uL
Date: XXXXXXX 14, 2016 04:51 p.m. EST Reference Range:2.0 K/uL - 7.7 K/uL
Lymph, Abs
4.43 K/uL (High)
Date: XXXXXXX 14, 2016 04:51 p.m. EST Reference Range:1.0 K/uL - 3.4 K/uL
Mono, Abs
0.84 K/uL
Date: XXXXXXX 14, 2016 04:51 p.m. EST Reference Range:0 K/uL - 1.0 K/uL
Baso, Abs
0.05 K/uL
Date: XXXXXXX 14, 2016 04:51 p.m. EST Reference Range:0 K/uL - 0.1 K/uL
Eos, Abs
0.31 K/uL
Date: XXXXXXX 14, 2016 04:51 p.m. EST Reference Range:0 K/uL - 0.5 K/uL
25 unit/L
Date: XXXXXXX 14, 2016 04:51 p.m. EST Reference Range:13 unit/L - 69 unit/L
T Bili
0.4 mg/dL
Date: XXXXXXX 14, 2016 04:51 p.m. EST Reference Range:0.2 mg/dL - 1.3 mg/dL
Alk Phos
99 unit/L
Date: XXXXXXX 14, 2016 04:51 p.m. EST Reference Range:38 unit/L - 126 unit/L
32 unit/L
Date: XXXXXXX 14, 2016 04:51 p.m. EST Reference Range:15 unit/L - 46 unit/L
4.4 g/dL
Date: XXXXXXX 14, 2016 04:51 p.m. EST Reference Range:3.5 g/dL - 5.0 g/dL
7.8 g/dL
Date: XXXXXXX 14, 2016 04:51 p.m. EST Reference Range:6.3 g/dL - 8.2 g/dL
Vitamin D, 25-Hydroxy
20 ng/mL (Low)
Date: XXXXXXX 14, 2016 04:51 p.m. EST Reference Range:30 ng/mL - 100 ng/mL
106 unit/L
Date: XXXXXXX 14, 2016 04:51 p.m. EST Reference Range:30 unit/L - 135 unit/L
1.28 uIU/mL
Date: XXXXXXX 14, 2016 04:51 p.m. EST Reference Range:0.47 uIU/mL - 4.68 uIU/mL
10.2 ug/dL
Date: XXXXXXX 14, 2016 04:51 p.m. EST Reference Range:5.5 ug/dL - 11.0 ug/dL
< 9 I.U./mL
Date: XXXXXXX 14, 2016 04:51 p.m. EST Reference Range:< 12 I.U./mL
0.5 unit/mL
Date: XXXXXXX 14, 2016 04:51 p.m. EST Reference Range:< 5.0 unit/mL
ANA Ab, by IFA
Date: XXXXXXX 14, 2016 04:51 p.m. EST
ANA Ab, Hold for Component Ag
No further testing needed, ANA Ab, by IFA is Negative.
Date: XXXXXXX 14, 2016 04:51 p.m. EST
SSA Antibody
22 AU/mL
Date: XXXXXXX 14, 2016 04:51 p.m. EST Reference Range:< 100 AU/mL
SSB Antibody
34 AU/mL
Date: XXXXXXX 14, 2016 04:51 p.m. EST Reference Range:< 100 AU/mL
Anti Proteinase Ab
< 1.0
Date: XXXXXXX 14, 2016 04:51 p.m. EST XXXXXXX Screen
Date: XXXXXXX 14, 2016 04:51 p.m. EST
ANA Comment
Date: XXXXXXX 14, 2016 04:51 p.m. EST
tTG-IgA Ab
Date: XXXXXXX 14, 2016 04:51 p.m. EST
tTG-IgG Ab
Date: XXXXXXX 14, 2016 04:51 p.m. EST
2.22 mg/dL (High)
Date: XXXXXXX 14, 2016 04:51 p.m. EST Reference Range:< 1.00 mg/dL
< 1.0
Date: XXXXXXX 14, 2016 04:51 p.m. EST
36 mm/hr (High)
Date: XXXXXXX 14, 2016 04:51 p.m. EST Reference Range:0 mm/hr - 20 mm/hr
10.8 mg/dL (High)
Date: XXXXXXX 14, 2016 04:51 p.m. EST Reference Range:2.5 mg/dL - 6.2 mg/dL
340 pg/mL
Date: XXXXXXX 14, 2016 04:51 p.m. EST Reference Range:200 pg/mL - 900 pg/mL
7.8 ng/mL
Date: XXXXXXX 14, 2016 04:51 p.m. EST Reference Range:4.2 ng/mL - 20.0 ng/mL
Prot, Serum
7.6 g/dL
Date: XXXXXXX 14, 2016 04:51 p.m. EST Reference Range:6.0 g/dL - 7.8 g/dL
Lyme Antibodies, IgG/IgM
Date: XXXXXXX 14, 2016 04:50 p.m. EST Reference Range:NEG
Lyme IgG Antibodies
Patient is negative for Lyme antibody. No further testing indicated.
Date: XXXXXXX 14, 2016 04:51 p.m. EST
Lyme IgM Antibodies
Patient is negative for Lyme antibody. No further testing indicated.
Date: XXXXXXX 14, 2016 04:51 p.m. EST
Lyme Antibodies Comment
Patient is negative for Lyme antibody. No further testing indicated.
Date: XXXXXXX 14, 2016 04:51 p.m. EST
S cerevisiae IgA
Date: XXXXXXX 14, 2016 04:51 p.m. EST
S cerevisiae IgG
Date: XXXXXXX 14, 2016 04:51 p.m. EST
Color (u)
Date: XXXXXXX 14, 2016 05:04 p.m. EST
Appear (u)
Date: XXXXXXX 14, 2016 05:04 p.m. EST
Glu (u)
Date: XXXXXXX 14, 2016 05:04 p.m. EST Reference Range:NEG
Bili (u)
Date: XXXXXXX 14, 2016 05:04 p.m. EST Reference Range:NEG
Date: XXXXXXX 14, 2016 05:04 p.m. EST Reference Range:NEG
Date: XXXXXXX 14, 2016 05:04 p.m. EST
Hgb (u)
Date: XXXXXXX 14, 2016 05:04 p.m. EST Reference Range:NEG
pH (u)
6.0 unit
Date: XXXXXXX 14, 2016 05:04 p.m. EST Reference Range:4.5 unit - 8.0 unit
Prot (u)
Date: XXXXXXX 14, 2016 05:04 p.m. EST Reference Range:NEG
0.2 EU/dL
Date: XXXXXXX 14, 2016 05:04 p.m. EST Reference Range:0.1 EU/dL - 1.0 EU/dL
Nitrite (u)
Date: XXXXXXX 14, 2016 05:04 p.m. EST Reference Range:NEG
Leuk Est
Date: XXXXXXX 14, 2016 05:04 p.m. EST Reference Range:NEG
WBC (u)
5-9 /HPF
Date: XXXXXXX 14, 2016 05:04 p.m. EST Reference Range:0 /HPF - 4 /HPF
RBC (u)
0-4 /HPF
Date: XXXXXXX 14, 2016 05:04 p.m. EST Reference Range:0 /HPF - 4 /HPF
Bact (u)
MODERATE (Abnormal)
Date: XXXXXXX 14, 2016 05:04 p.m. EST Reference Range:NONE
Blood Bank
Date: XXXXXXX 14, 2016 04:51 p.m. EST
I have been experiencing severe fatigue, nearly daily low grade fevers, bone pain, petechiae, paleness, flakey skin, full body muscle tension and weakness, muscle spasms, tenderness to touch, bone pain, re-occuring UTIs and bronchitis, night sweats, abdominal pain, poor appetite, poor sleep, major weight fluxations; and chronic direareha for about 8 years. My symptoms continue to get worse and I am sort of being treated for the fibro and narcolepsy. However, the current treatment is not really helping. Given the lab results posted below and several mentionings by physicains other than my PCP is seems that I have the beginnings of kidney disease. Looking at the remaining counts that are abnormal and one previous smudge cell that came back moderatetly abnormal, the last thing that truly has not been ruled out is a chronic leukemia. I feel that at this point a full year after these more severe sympoms developed that I am getting brushed off and I am wondering if I really need to seek a second opinion in haste. I am concerned about renal failure and the possibility of leukemia. What would you advise?
137 mmol/L
Date: XXXXXXX 14, 2016 04:51 p.m. EST Reference Range:137 mmol/L - 145 mmol/L
3.2 mmol/L (Low)
Date: XXXXXXX 14, 2016 04:51 p.m. EST Reference Range:3.5 mmol/L - 5.1 mmol/L
99 mmol/L
Date: XXXXXXX 14, 2016 04:51 p.m. EST Reference Range:96 mmol/L - 107 mmol/L
26 mmol/L
Date: XXXXXXX 14, 2016 04:51 p.m. EST Reference Range:22 mmol/L - 30 mmol/L
Anion Gap
12 mmol/L
Date: XXXXXXX 14, 2016 04:51 p.m. EST Reference Range:5 mmol/L - 14 mmol/L
18 mg/dL
Date: XXXXXXX 14, 2016 04:51 p.m. EST Reference Range:7 mg/dL - 20 mg/dL
1.05 mg/dL (High)
Date: XXXXXXX 14, 2016 04:51 p.m. EST Reference Range:0.60 mg/dL - 1.00 mg/dL
Estimated GFR, Black Race
> 60 mL/min/1.73 m2
Date: XXXXXXX 14, 2016 04:51 p.m. EST Reference Range:> 60 mL/min/1.73 m2
Estimated GFR, non-Black Race
59 mL/min/1.73 m2 (Low)
Date: XXXXXXX 14, 2016 04:51 p.m. EST Reference Range:> 60 mL/min/1.73 m2
144 mg/dL (High)
Date: XXXXXXX 14, 2016 04:51 p.m. EST Reference Range:74 mg/dL - 106 mg/dL
9.5 mg/dL
Date: XXXXXXX 14, 2016 04:51 p.m. EST Reference Range:8.4 mg/dL - 10.2 mg/dL
10.65 K/uL (High)
Date: XXXXXXX 14, 2016 04:51 p.m. EST Reference Range:4.0 K/uL - 10.4 K/uL
13.2 g/dL
Date: XXXXXXX 14, 2016 04:51 p.m. EST Reference Range:11.7 g/dL - 15.0 g/dL
40.5 %
Date: XXXXXXX 14, 2016 04:51 p.m. EST Reference Range:35 % - 44 %
4.68 M/uL
Date: XXXXXXX 14, 2016 04:51 p.m. EST Reference Range:3.90 M/uL - 5.00 M/uL
86.5 fL
Date: XXXXXXX 14, 2016 04:51 p.m. EST Reference Range:81 fL - 96 fL
32.6 g/dL
Date: XXXXXXX 14, 2016 04:51 p.m. EST Reference Range:32 g/dL - 36 g/dL
28.2 pg
Date: XXXXXXX 14, 2016 04:51 p.m. EST Reference Range:28 pg - 33 pg
13.6 %
Date: XXXXXXX 14, 2016 04:51 p.m. EST Reference Range:11.5 % - 14.2 %
393 K/uL (High)
Date: XXXXXXX 14, 2016 04:51 p.m. EST Reference Range:150 K/uL - 350 K/uL
11.4 fL
Date: XXXXXXX 14, 2016 04:51 p.m. EST Reference Range:9.0 fL - 12.2 fL
Type of Diff:
Date: XXXXXXX 14, 2016 04:51 p.m. EST
Immature Gran%
0.2 %
Date: XXXXXXX 14, 2016 04:51 p.m. EST
46.9 %
Date: XXXXXXX 14, 2016 04:51 p.m. EST
41.6 %
Date: XXXXXXX 14, 2016 04:51 p.m. EST
7.9 %
Date: XXXXXXX 14, 2016 04:51 p.m. EST
0.5 %
Date: XXXXXXX 14, 2016 04:51 p.m. EST
2.9 %
Date: XXXXXXX 14, 2016 04:51 p.m. EST
Immat Gran, Abs
0.02 K/uL
Date: XXXXXXX 14, 2016 04:51 p.m. EST Reference Range:0 K/uL - 0.4 K/uL
Neut, Abs
5.00 K/uL
Date: XXXXXXX 14, 2016 04:51 p.m. EST Reference Range:2.0 K/uL - 7.7 K/uL
Lymph, Abs
4.43 K/uL (High)
Date: XXXXXXX 14, 2016 04:51 p.m. EST Reference Range:1.0 K/uL - 3.4 K/uL
Mono, Abs
0.84 K/uL
Date: XXXXXXX 14, 2016 04:51 p.m. EST Reference Range:0 K/uL - 1.0 K/uL
Baso, Abs
0.05 K/uL
Date: XXXXXXX 14, 2016 04:51 p.m. EST Reference Range:0 K/uL - 0.1 K/uL
Eos, Abs
0.31 K/uL
Date: XXXXXXX 14, 2016 04:51 p.m. EST Reference Range:0 K/uL - 0.5 K/uL
25 unit/L
Date: XXXXXXX 14, 2016 04:51 p.m. EST Reference Range:13 unit/L - 69 unit/L
T Bili
0.4 mg/dL
Date: XXXXXXX 14, 2016 04:51 p.m. EST Reference Range:0.2 mg/dL - 1.3 mg/dL
Alk Phos
99 unit/L
Date: XXXXXXX 14, 2016 04:51 p.m. EST Reference Range:38 unit/L - 126 unit/L
32 unit/L
Date: XXXXXXX 14, 2016 04:51 p.m. EST Reference Range:15 unit/L - 46 unit/L
4.4 g/dL
Date: XXXXXXX 14, 2016 04:51 p.m. EST Reference Range:3.5 g/dL - 5.0 g/dL
7.8 g/dL
Date: XXXXXXX 14, 2016 04:51 p.m. EST Reference Range:6.3 g/dL - 8.2 g/dL
Vitamin D, 25-Hydroxy
20 ng/mL (Low)
Date: XXXXXXX 14, 2016 04:51 p.m. EST Reference Range:30 ng/mL - 100 ng/mL
106 unit/L
Date: XXXXXXX 14, 2016 04:51 p.m. EST Reference Range:30 unit/L - 135 unit/L
1.28 uIU/mL
Date: XXXXXXX 14, 2016 04:51 p.m. EST Reference Range:0.47 uIU/mL - 4.68 uIU/mL
10.2 ug/dL
Date: XXXXXXX 14, 2016 04:51 p.m. EST Reference Range:5.5 ug/dL - 11.0 ug/dL
< 9 I.U./mL
Date: XXXXXXX 14, 2016 04:51 p.m. EST Reference Range:< 12 I.U./mL
0.5 unit/mL
Date: XXXXXXX 14, 2016 04:51 p.m. EST Reference Range:< 5.0 unit/mL
ANA Ab, by IFA
Date: XXXXXXX 14, 2016 04:51 p.m. EST
ANA Ab, Hold for Component Ag
No further testing needed, ANA Ab, by IFA is Negative.
Date: XXXXXXX 14, 2016 04:51 p.m. EST
SSA Antibody
22 AU/mL
Date: XXXXXXX 14, 2016 04:51 p.m. EST Reference Range:< 100 AU/mL
SSB Antibody
34 AU/mL
Date: XXXXXXX 14, 2016 04:51 p.m. EST Reference Range:< 100 AU/mL
Anti Proteinase Ab
< 1.0
Date: XXXXXXX 14, 2016 04:51 p.m. EST XXXXXXX Screen
Date: XXXXXXX 14, 2016 04:51 p.m. EST
ANA Comment
Date: XXXXXXX 14, 2016 04:51 p.m. EST
tTG-IgA Ab
Date: XXXXXXX 14, 2016 04:51 p.m. EST
tTG-IgG Ab
Date: XXXXXXX 14, 2016 04:51 p.m. EST
2.22 mg/dL (High)
Date: XXXXXXX 14, 2016 04:51 p.m. EST Reference Range:< 1.00 mg/dL
< 1.0
Date: XXXXXXX 14, 2016 04:51 p.m. EST
36 mm/hr (High)
Date: XXXXXXX 14, 2016 04:51 p.m. EST Reference Range:0 mm/hr - 20 mm/hr
10.8 mg/dL (High)
Date: XXXXXXX 14, 2016 04:51 p.m. EST Reference Range:2.5 mg/dL - 6.2 mg/dL
340 pg/mL
Date: XXXXXXX 14, 2016 04:51 p.m. EST Reference Range:200 pg/mL - 900 pg/mL
7.8 ng/mL
Date: XXXXXXX 14, 2016 04:51 p.m. EST Reference Range:4.2 ng/mL - 20.0 ng/mL
Prot, Serum
7.6 g/dL
Date: XXXXXXX 14, 2016 04:51 p.m. EST Reference Range:6.0 g/dL - 7.8 g/dL
Lyme Antibodies, IgG/IgM
Date: XXXXXXX 14, 2016 04:50 p.m. EST Reference Range:NEG
Lyme IgG Antibodies
Patient is negative for Lyme antibody. No further testing indicated.
Date: XXXXXXX 14, 2016 04:51 p.m. EST
Lyme IgM Antibodies
Patient is negative for Lyme antibody. No further testing indicated.
Date: XXXXXXX 14, 2016 04:51 p.m. EST
Lyme Antibodies Comment
Patient is negative for Lyme antibody. No further testing indicated.
Date: XXXXXXX 14, 2016 04:51 p.m. EST
S cerevisiae IgA
Date: XXXXXXX 14, 2016 04:51 p.m. EST
S cerevisiae IgG
Date: XXXXXXX 14, 2016 04:51 p.m. EST
Color (u)
Date: XXXXXXX 14, 2016 05:04 p.m. EST
Appear (u)
Date: XXXXXXX 14, 2016 05:04 p.m. EST
Glu (u)
Date: XXXXXXX 14, 2016 05:04 p.m. EST Reference Range:NEG
Bili (u)
Date: XXXXXXX 14, 2016 05:04 p.m. EST Reference Range:NEG
Date: XXXXXXX 14, 2016 05:04 p.m. EST Reference Range:NEG
Date: XXXXXXX 14, 2016 05:04 p.m. EST
Hgb (u)
Date: XXXXXXX 14, 2016 05:04 p.m. EST Reference Range:NEG
pH (u)
6.0 unit
Date: XXXXXXX 14, 2016 05:04 p.m. EST Reference Range:4.5 unit - 8.0 unit
Prot (u)
Date: XXXXXXX 14, 2016 05:04 p.m. EST Reference Range:NEG
0.2 EU/dL
Date: XXXXXXX 14, 2016 05:04 p.m. EST Reference Range:0.1 EU/dL - 1.0 EU/dL
Nitrite (u)
Date: XXXXXXX 14, 2016 05:04 p.m. EST Reference Range:NEG
Leuk Est
Date: XXXXXXX 14, 2016 05:04 p.m. EST Reference Range:NEG
WBC (u)
5-9 /HPF
Date: XXXXXXX 14, 2016 05:04 p.m. EST Reference Range:0 /HPF - 4 /HPF
RBC (u)
0-4 /HPF
Date: XXXXXXX 14, 2016 05:04 p.m. EST Reference Range:0 /HPF - 4 /HPF
Bact (u)
MODERATE (Abnormal)
Date: XXXXXXX 14, 2016 05:04 p.m. EST Reference Range:NONE
Blood Bank
Date: XXXXXXX 14, 2016 04:51 p.m. EST
Brief Answer:
Discussion follows
Detailed Answer:
Welcome and thanks for your query.
I understand your concern.
Having gone through your history and test reports, I feel that you don't have renal failure or leukaemia. You can confirm my impression by a 24-hour urine test of creatinine clearnce and doing a bone marrow examination.
You have vitamin D deficiency and hyperuricemia which are contributing to your symptoms.
You can have them treated easily and you would feel much better.
Take care,
Discussion follows
Detailed Answer:
Welcome and thanks for your query.
I understand your concern.
Having gone through your history and test reports, I feel that you don't have renal failure or leukaemia. You can confirm my impression by a 24-hour urine test of creatinine clearnce and doing a bone marrow examination.
You have vitamin D deficiency and hyperuricemia which are contributing to your symptoms.
You can have them treated easily and you would feel much better.
Take care,
Above answer was peer-reviewed by :
Dr. Chakravarthy Mazumdar

From what I understand the labs would suggest kidney disease in its early phases. renal failure is prevalent in my family from age 50 up. As I had many issues as a child due partially from my premature birth. is this something my pcp should be addressing?
The lab results showing high platelets, high ESR and high lymphocytes has been consistently for over a year. Does a diagnosis of Fibromyalgia support such results or should I seek another opinion?
The lab results showing high platelets, high ESR and high lymphocytes has been consistently for over a year. Does a diagnosis of Fibromyalgia support such results or should I seek another opinion?
Brief Answer:
See the discussion please
Detailed Answer:
No blood test would confirm or exclude fibromyalgia. You have two conditions that produce pain - vitamin D deficiency and hyperuricemia. Treatment of those might help you. Since you have a family history of renal failure, it would be better to do a creatinine clearnce to get your present state and would also serve as a baseline. Estimated GFR is often inaccurate.
See the discussion please
Detailed Answer:
No blood test would confirm or exclude fibromyalgia. You have two conditions that produce pain - vitamin D deficiency and hyperuricemia. Treatment of those might help you. Since you have a family history of renal failure, it would be better to do a creatinine clearnce to get your present state and would also serve as a baseline. Estimated GFR is often inaccurate.
Note: For further information on diet changes to reduce allergy symptoms or to boost your immunity, Ask here.
Above answer was peer-reviewed by :
Dr. Chakravarthy Mazumdar

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